You Belong to Me: Sex, Race and Murder in the South
Where to Watch
You Belong to Me: Sex, Race and Murder in the South
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My Rating
Cast & Crew
John Cork
Anita Davenport
Ruby McCollum
Denise Durette
Ruby McCollum
Reggie Brooks
Sam McCollum
George Jacobsen
William Bradford Huie
John Sherman
Clifford LeRoy Adams
You Belong to Me: Sex, Race and Murder in the South
Movie Info
Director -
John Cork -
Producer -
Judith Hagin , Hilary Saltzman , Lisa Van Eyssen -
Screenwriter -
John Cork -
Genre -
Documentary , Crime , Drama -
Original Language -
English -
Release Date (Theaters) -
Feb 1, 2015, Limited -
Release Date (Streaming) -
Feb 2, 2016 -
Runtime -
1h 28m