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Play trailer Poster for Zombies PG 1964 1h 21m Horror Play Trailer Watchlist
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A writer (William Joyce) meets a girl (Heather Hewitt) whose mad-doctor father turns Caribbean islanders into zombies.
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Critics Reviews

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David Cornelius An utterly square attempt at early-60s hipness. Rated: 1/5 Aug 19, 2009 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member This is what happens when you make the poster before the script. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/03/23 Full Review Audience Member Slow, boring, and plotless. The story is bland, the characters are ridiculous, and the pacing was bad. Bad enough to be laughable, but not enough to be enjoyable. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/02/23 Full Review Audience Member Laughable but mildly entertaining story about a James Bond like author able to handle not only swarms of ladies but a gun with unlimited ammunition, zombies, an airplane. Well, you get the idea. Romance, voodoo, violence, well intentioned cancer research doctor gone mad. Something for everyone. [img][/img] A cancer researcher on a remote Caribbean island discovers that by treating the natives with snake venom he can turn them into bug-eyed zombies. [img][/img] Advised by his publisher to visit an almost all female island called Voodoo, the idea is to gather material for the author's next great best seller. Little does he know until its too late that the island has lots of killer snakes, a doctor on the island with a beautiful daughter and research that is making the natives "restless" to say the least. Since our author is the biggest playboy womanizer ever, he throws away all caution. The ending is a confessing doctor, an exploding island (most silly to watch) and a trip back to Miami where the story begins. Our playboy author is hooked on the doctor's daughter and loving it. [img][/img] But what does the TITLE mean, Monsieur Rick? Well, for starters, it has no meaning for the movie. For marketing purposes only, there was no flesh eating zombies. Just money grabbing film makers. The film was released six years after it was made. It should have been a hundred. [img][/img] NOTES about the film: 1 Its fun to see the "native" white dancers at the human sacrifices doing various sixties dances. The frug, the watoosie, the loco-motion, the mashed potatoes... but fortunately and thankfully NOT the twist. 2 The zombie natives speak some sort of Italian. Quite amusing. 3 The soundtrack, if you want to call it that, is typical and unmemorable. 4 This film sat on the shelf unreleased for six years until is was picked up by distributor Jerry Gross (of Cinemation Industries), who needed a horror film to play on the bottom of a double bill with his in-house production I Drink Your Blood. The title was changed to "I Eat Your Skin" (1970). 5 Del Tenney's I Eat Your Skin was filmed in Florida in 1964, under the working title Zombies. Alot of films were made at this time to cash in on the James Bond craze, Like this one. The opening and closing scenes are filmed at Miami's Fountainbleu Hotel, the same hotel where a few scenes of Goldfinger take place. This movie was originally titled Voodoo Blood Bath. REVIEWS about the film: 1 What a bad bad movie. It's not like I was expecting Citizen Kane or anything. 2 I EAT YOUR SKIN is very reminiscent of the works of Ed Wood on just about every level (although I think Wood was a bit weirder), so fans of his work should love it. Despite the somewhat misleading title, that's right; I EAT YOUR SKIN contains absolutely no eating of skin whatsoever. 3 I've seen this movie at least a dozen times. This is definately one of those, so bad it's good spook movies. The makeup effects, although cheap, are at the least memorable and not just grease-paint. The acting is also memorable, if only because it's so bad. The Uber macho-ism of lead character Tom Harris (played by a mostly shirtless William Joyce) will make you laugh out loud. I cannot recommend this movie enough. I was more entertained by this flick than the last 3 big budgeted movies I rented from Blockbusters! Complete credited cast: William Joyce ... Tom Harris Heather Hewitt ... Jeannie Biladeau Betty Hyatt Linton ... Coral Fairchild Dan Stapleton ... Duncan Fairchild Walter Coy ... Charles Bentley Director: Del Tenney Writer: Del Tenney Producer: Del Tenney See it in all its "pathetic?" glory: Runtime:84 min Sound Mix:Mono Color:Black and White Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/19/23 Full Review Audience Member The film starts with a bikini-clad White woman (apparently dancing with voodoo music playing in the jungle). Soon she is on all fours (lookin' like she's ready for some doggy-style) in front of the Black crowd and then the priest beheads her. Then we are at a hotel pool with a trash-novelist surrounded by a bunch of hotties while he recites sex-scenes from his books. One of the girl's husbands' arrives ready to fight; as the novelist escapes he laughs as the husband beats his too-hot-for-him wife. The novelist travels with his agent to "Voodoo Island" in order to inspire his next tome. (Of course, their plane crashes on the island.) After strangely being attacked by some blood-lusting humans in the jungle, they discover the island is home to a scientist (who has a hot daughter who likes to skinny-dip) doing unsuccessful cancer research (resulting in zombification). While many of the jungle-natives have become zombies, others are performing voodoo and looking for White women to sacrifice (maybe these were early Zebra Killings or like those who followed Yahweh Ben Yahweh). Whatever the case, the all try to get off the island alive.The scientist nukes the island. Not released 'till 1971, even for 1964 it seemed a bit dated because the zombies in this were human-vegetable-type found in White Zombie and the like (the better cannibal-type hadn't been invented for a couple years yet). Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/02/23 Full Review Audience Member dont fool with voodoo Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/24/23 Full Review Audience Member I Eat Your Skin (aka "Zombies" and "Zombie Bloodbath") Starring: William Joyce, Dan Stapleton, and Heather Hewitt Director: Del Tenney Playboy novelist Tom Harris (Joyce) travels with his agent (Stapleton) to remote Voodoo Island to gather research and inspiration for his next adventure novel. Here, he finds a beautiful girl (Hewitt) who only he can save from the groping hands of oatmeal-faced, bug-eyed zombies. "I Eat Your Skin" is a badly written film with a plot that's only unpredictable element is "can this get any worse?" (the answer is usually 'yes'), populated by ill-conceived characters that barely rate as figures, and performed by third-rate actors. (Our hero might have been less annoying if he had been played by a better actor, but I doubt it. He is at his worst when he decides that [i]he[/i] has to land the plane they're in, because obviously he's better than the professional pilot at the controls. Which begs the question why the pilot was even hired in the first place. The annoying arrogance hangs about Tom like the stench of that cologne I'm sure he wears way too much of.) While there are several moments of unintended hilarity, they are too spread out to make this film an enjoyable experience, even with the wittiest of commentators for a Bad Movie Night. Oh... and there's no skin eating, other than what you might do to yourself to cure your boredom while watching this movie. Perhaps if edited down to about an hour (instead of its current running time of 84 minutes), it might be watchable. As it is, it's a fillm that's not worth the effort it'll take to put it in the DVD player. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 01/18/23 Full Review Read all reviews

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Movie Info

Synopsis A writer (William Joyce) meets a girl (Heather Hewitt) whose mad-doctor father turns Caribbean islanders into zombies.
Del Tenney
Del Tenney
Del Tenney
Production Co
Del Tenny Productions
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Jan 3, 2019
1h 21m
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