Dennis Day
Dennis W. Day was born on Jul. 12, 1942 in Las Vegas, NV. His first foray in show business was as a Mouseketeer among the cast the first two seasons of the original incarnation of "The Mickey Mouse Club" (ABC 1955-59). Three years after parting ways with the show, the 18-year-old Day came out publicly as gay-though would later identify as bisexual-and sought work as a stage actor in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco, CA. Beginning in the 1960s, Day worked as a producer of plays and other performance-based productions through the Renaissance Centre (which would change its name to the Living History Centre in 1970), often lending said projects his talents as an actor. Around this time, Day began a relationship with Henry Ernest Caswell, with whom he founded a sanctuary house in San Francisco for fellow gay aspiring actors. Day and Caswell married in 2009. In July 2018, following Caswell's hospitalization, a 75-year-old Day went missing and was not seen again until he was found dead months later. In July 2019, handyman Daniel James Burda was charged with Day's murder.