Jerry Kupfer
Jerry Kupfer is an Emmy Award-winning producer of the popular NBC comedy program "30 Rock," starring, written by, and created by Tina Fey. Kupfer got his start in 1994 as a producer for Michael Moore's critically-acclaimed yet short-lived satirical television show "TV Nation." The show, constructed as a half-hour investigative news magazine program, featured comedians/actors Janeane Garofalo, Jonathan Katz, Karen Duffy, and others, including Moore himself, as reporters interviewing controversial figures like Dr. Jack Kervorkian and exposing legitimate corporate and political scandals or gaffes (similar to the later "The Daily Show"). Although the show only lasted two short seasons, and generated plenty of controversy regarding some of its content, it would garner an Emmy for Kupfer and the show's other writers and producers. Two of Kupfer's other notable early work was producing the documentaries "Dancemaker" (focusing on the legendary choreographer Paul Taylor) and "A Decade Under the Influence" (about the so-called New Hollywood generation of filmmakers in the 1970s) respectively. The showbiz comedy "30 Rock," though, has proved to be Kupfer's biggest success so far.