Matt Czuchry
A capable young actor with a knack for playing decidedly unlikable men, Matt Czuchry nonetheless found the charm and occasional pathos in his heels on "Gilmore Girls" (The WB, 2000-07) and "The Good Wife" (CBS, 2009-16). Blessed with a fair, blond handsomeness, Czuchry's most memorable characters started out as arrogant thorns in the sides of his co-stars, but eventually found their own moral core as the shows progressed. On occasion, Czuchry played more agreeable types, like his wayward taxi driver-in-training on "Hack" (CBS, 2002-04), but he excelled so much at being bad that casting agents made him the go-to for such types. In doing so, he developed a following with television viewers who devoured his every underhanded act with relish.