Matt McHugh
Matt McHugh was an actor who had a successful Hollywood career. McHugh began his acting career with roles in such films as "Taxi" (1932), "The Purchase Price" (1932) and the Charles Mack comedy "Hypnotized" (1932). He also appeared in the Wallace Ford horror feature "Freaks" (1932), "The Woman From Monte Carlo" (1932) and the comedy "The Devil's Brother" (1933) with Stan Laurel. His passion for acting continued to his roles in projects like "Ladies Crave Excitement" (1935), "If You Could Only Cook" (1935) with Herbert Marshall and the adaptation "Enter Madame" (1935) with Elissa Landi. He also appeared in the Bing Crosby adaptation "Anything Goes" (1936). Film continued to be his passion as he played roles in the musical "Coney Island" (1943) with Betty Grable, "Flight For Freedom" (1943) and "Henry Aldrich Swings It" (1943) with Charles Smith. He also appeared in the dramatic sports film "Home in Indiana" (1944) with Walter Brennan and "Wing and a Prayer" (1944). McHugh was most recently credited in "Secrets & Lies" (ABC, 2014-). McHugh passed away in February 1971 at the age of 77.