Prince Paul
Paul Huston worked on a variety of projects during his entertainment career. Huston's career began with music featured mostly in comedies like "Downtown" (1990) and "Never Been Kissed" (1999). In the early 2000s, Huston's music continued to appear on the silver screen, including in films like the comedy adaptation "High Fidelity" (2000) with John Cusack, the comedy "Pootie Tang" (2001) with Lance Crouther and "Mean Girls" (2004). Huston's music was most recently used in the action comedy "American Ultra" (2015) with Kristen Stewart. Huston had a number of different projects under his belt in the early 2000s, including "Egotrip Presents The White Rapper Show" (VH1, 2006-07), "Bad Biology" with Charlee Danielson (2008) and "Nerdcore Rising" (2008) starring Weird Al Yankovic. His credits also expanded to "Pressure Cooker" (2009).