Lilyan W
My Sisters Keeper.
In class I have read both the book, “My Sisters Keeper.” written by Jodi Picoult, and the Movie, “My Sisters Keeper”, directed by Nick Cassavetes. Both the book and movie, follow a girl named Anna Fitzgerald who lives in Upper Darby, Rhode Island.. As well as a girl named Kate Fitzgerald, both Anna and Kate are sisters. Anna was genetically modified to be a donor in order to save Kate from her cancer. Therefore I would personally recommend the book over the movie.
Within the book Ana was portrayed as a young girl with a very good sense of awareness, she was smart, and she knew that. Not only that she was actually propper or mature, while in the movie she isn’t as mature which brings out the fact she is a child and not an adult, luckily they kept her good sense of awareness. Then again the book it leaves a lot more up to your imagination, so you can sort of think of everyone how you’d like with the subtle hints on how they look. In the movie you don’t get that, you only see one face for them and it wasn’t exactly what I had expected. Anna didn’t really look her age within the movie, she seemed older than she was meant to be.
Therefore it felt off, while in the book you can imagine how she’d look a bit more clearly than if you see an actor acting them out. The movies actor did amazing don’t get me wrong, but I feel like the actor could of been a tad bit younger, her face is longer, and she looks around 14-15 and stressed out which does seem accurate to be stressed, but within the book she is 13. This is just a few reasons on why I believe the book is better, which is the fact we can have a large imagination on how the characters look, sound and act. Yet another reason is the fact the movie is completely missing the actual ending, It was completely swapped from the book. Everything that happened then is simply like switching the world upside down and then flipping it back upright.
I cannot state exactly what occurs within the book, as in who dies. It will spoil the movie and book for those who haven’t seen, or read it. It threw me off heavily when I saw the ending of the movie practically changed the entire thing, since I had been expecting the similar to book ending over that. It changed the storyline by being different for it will completely change your view on the story, if you watched the movie and then read the book you would be utterly shocked by who exactly died, definitely not what you would of expected either, it was purely an entire different story at that rate. If anything it bothered me that the ending had been changed to what it was. Which is another reason I enjoy the book more, It gave you an ending that wasn’t great in an emotional way. But it was really good in multiple categories, the effect it has on people is definitely clear.
Yet another scene that was different was the fact that julia wasn’t even in the movie. Throughout the book Julia plays a big part, she helps in the court and speaks to Anna. Helping her make the decision of what Anna herself wants to do. Her and Campbell actually had a very complicated relationship within the book which wasn’t included in the movie since Julia wasn’t even in the movie, “I was talking about Anna. Campbell, she’s waffling. She couldn’t even show up to her own court date. What does that say too you?” (Julia, Page.289). Is an example of her questioning if Anna should really be doing this case. Yet another quote is, “Julia, listen. I want to talk about whats going on between us, too. But this isn’t the time.” (Campbell, Page.289) is one example of their complicated relationship. And honestly Julia not even really being there made it weird. Since she was like one of Anna’s big supports within the book. So seeing her not within the movie was weird, and it didn’t feel write, Julia was a really interesting character within the book too! I honestly would of enjoyed the movie much more if they had Julia in it, she was a total icon.
For these reasonings I recommend the book over the movie. Overall, the book provided more detail and made it open to the imagination. It didn’t feel rushed, nor was it fast paced and complicated to understand. Movies were never a thing that I could ever really focus on, the only downside of the book was how it constantly hopped from point of views of every main character. Which by the end there was at least five-six points of views being flipped through, this book shares a good awareness and a good message too. It’s like cherishing what you have before you loose it, an emotional piece of work but it was well written and planned.
Using a real world problem can give a better understanding of how the life of someone with these issues may be, or what they have to undergo. And that is why I recommend the book, “My Sisters Keeper” over the movie.
Thank you for reading my review! I hope you can come to a decision on what you desire to watch, or even read.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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alan g
A passable movie. Abigail Breslin is a fine actress. Even Cameron Diaz is good. Unfortunately takes too many liberties with the true story and muffles it.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Grace P
This movie sucks. It is nothing like the book. All yhe details are missing or wrong. They completely eliminated one character and changed another. The end is completely different and some of the names were wrong. This is terribly wrong and the director should be ashamed.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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You Are M
Holy sh*t. Second only to Benjamin Button for tear jerker - the beach scene (with Feels Like Home - 😭😭😭) and then the goodbye scene!! How does anyone do this!? ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Eric A
Talk about a sad movie. Nice storyline
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Very good movie. Moving performances by the cast. The only complaint that I had was the jumping around in timeline. It was a little difficult to keep up with every one of them, but overall not too distracting. And the critics, as usual, have this one wrong. I would recommend giving this movie a watch, just keep the tissues handy...
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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