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The Attack of the Giant Moussaka

Play trailer The Attack of the Giant Moussaka 1999 1h 39m Comedy Sci-Fi Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 0 Reviews 37% Popcornmeter 100+ Ratings
An enormous moussaka appears on the streets of Athens, Greece, spreading panic and death.

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Audience Member Koutras seems confused as to what kind of movie he wants to make (a comedy? a character piece? an homage to cult sci-fi flicks? an intentionally bad one or a good one?) and pretty much fails on all fronts. The direction is very uncertain and even though there are a couple of good ideas they get repeated to death - and that is the case with the action as well: it feels like the same action scene takes place over and over again. It doesn't help that the stakes are pretty non-existent either. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/11/23 Full Review Audience Member The occasional clever jokes and satire of modern life, can't help this otherwise abysmal small-budget movie past the bad-to-mediocre mark. Still, it's cult for a good reason: Moussaka :P. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/18/23 Full Review Audience Member One of the most surreal movie you'll ever come across, also has been quoted as "the best movie to watch when high". I truly agree with this, no better movie to watch while you're trippin', than this extremely random, low budget foreign flick Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/25/23 Full Review Audience Member Dans la lignee de l'Attaque des tomates tueuses, voila un film de science-fiction grec (!) en forme de concentre de serie Z, avec de veritables morceaux de nanards dedans. Au programme : moussaka incandescente de 20 metres de haut, extraterrestres barbarellesques, journalistes nevroses et heros pederastes kitchs. Il est certain que tout cela ne vole pas tres haut - voire meme au ras des pissenlits - et on ne peut meme pas pretendre qu'on se marre du debut a la fin. Mais le film provoque une telle stupefaction avec ce concept issu de l'imagination d'un grand malade, le serieux factice qu'il adopte et ces effets speciaux cheap a crever, qu'il est difficile de ne pas eprouver une certaine sympathie a son egard. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/05/23 Full Review Audience Member Un nanar pour bobos crypto-gay Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/02/23 Full Review Audience Member Un film grandiose, avec des moyens techniques à la hauteur d'un scénario digne des plus grandes superproductions ... euh, népalaises ??? Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/18/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Attack of the Giant Moussaka

My Rating


Movie Info

Synopsis An enormous moussaka appears on the streets of Athens, Greece, spreading panic and death.
Panos H. Koutras
Panos H. Koutras
Production Co
100% Synthetic Films
Comedy, Sci-Fi
Original Language
1h 39m