Lucy & Desi: Before the Laughter

Where to Watch
Lucy & Desi: Before the Laughter
Watch Lucy & Desi: Before the Laughter with a subscription on Prime Video.
Audience Reviews
My Rating
Cast & Crew
Charles Jarrott
Frances Fisher
Lucille Ball
Maurice Benard
Desi Arnaz
Robin Pearson Rose
Vivian Vance
John Wheeler
William Frawley
Bette Ford
Lucy & Desi: Before the Laughter
Movie Info
Director -
Charles Jarrott -
Producer -
John Thomas Lenox -
Screenwriter -
William Luce , Cynthia A. Cherbak -
Production Co -
Larry Thompson Entertainment -
Rating -
PG , TV-PG (S|D) -
Genre -
Biography -
Original Language -
English -
Runtime -
1h 36m