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Man and His Dog (Un homme et son chien)

Play trailer Man and His Dog (Un homme et son chien) 2008 Play Trailer Watchlist
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Audience Member The things you endure for an octogenarian’s cameo appearance… “Un homme et son chien” gives us an elderly Jean-Paul Belmondo (not yet octogenarian, but approaching fast), who is faced with a hardened world, full of people without feelings of care or affection (with the odd exception, of course) in which aging is one of the toughest predicaments of all. A touching subject, one would think. Undoubtedly, it could be touching, but unfortunately it is not in this film. Not only is “Un homme et son chien” in dire need of a story, but it also lacks in fascinating qualities. It just drags on and on, taking way too much time to hammer home a point we could see coming for miles. At the same time, it lacks in depth. The people we might want to know more about (Leïla and her two lovers, who both shirk paternal responsibility; Jeanne, who is ruthless, but at the same time doesn’t seem to be a real monster – what is her problem/story/background?) remain far too superficial. A film like this should either bring tears in your eyes or a smile on your face, but alas it is neither moving nor amusing. A sweet-looking dog and some romantic music are just not enough to glue your audience to the screen. In the end, you’ve had enough of both the dog and the old guy. I would like to thank the other old guy (my favourite one) for his one-second performance in that soup bus, though. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/14/23 Full Review Audience Member This is the wrong way for a star to fade. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 02/21/23 Full Review Audience Member Like seriously? If you ever get to watch this, just pass your way or throw yourself into a river! Boring as mate i don't think i have ever seen something so hopeless and vile! do the French have a quota of boredom they need to inject in their anual film prod? Mate this film is painfull to watch and whoever find me one good reason to justify this hour and a half of pure waste, i'll give him a Benjy-Ben! The only cool thing in this is the young chick, she's got nice legs and brings a little cool attitude to this near suicidal experience of a the end i so wanted to cry because i was BORED OUT OF MY FREAKIN' MIND. Thanks again.....see you not later Aligator if you eat this you'll chunder! Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/26/23 Full Review Audience Member It is very sad movie, but I liked it very much. Belmondo is fantastic there... Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/30/23 Full Review Audience Member Je l'ai voulu, je l'ai eu : j'ai vu Bebel sur grand ecran de retour au cinema... Eh ben je m'en mords encore les doigts ! Tout au plus de ce film je sauverais justement Belmondo. Non pas parce qu'il joue bien, mais parce qu'il se defend bien. Malgre le fait qu'il est souvent immobile, malgre le fait qu'il peine a aligner 5 mots a la suite, malgre le fait qu'il sourit pour un rien, malgre le fait que ses expressions sont desormais limitees, il parvient quand meme a insuffler de la vie a son personnage, et a transmettre des emotions. Un grand acteur je vous dis. L'ennui, c'est qu'il n'est pas seul. Deja il y a Julika Jenkins et Hafsia Herzi, qui meme malgra la beauté de la seconde ne sont jamais ceédibles, jouent meme faux par moments. Ensuite il y a le reste du casting : Jean Dujardin, Michele Bernier, Jose Garcia, Patrick Bosso, François Perrot, Daniel Prevost, Françoise Fabian, Cristiana Reali, Tcheky Karyo, Pierre Mondy, Micheline Presle, Jean-Luc Lemoine et meme Max Von Sydow dont les prestations durent entre 10 secondes et 2 minutes 15. Meme la sequence, qui aurait pu etre magnifique, entre Belmondo et Charles Gerard est vide, sans ame. Ah si, il y a Francis Huster qui se reserve un bon role, celui du gentil medecin, comme d'hab. Et puis il y a la musique, dramatique à souhait, larmoyante, qui flingue le film original : la ou De Sica parvenait avec Umberto D. a creer une oeuvre dramatique mais pas larmoyante, ou le cineaste italien jouait du sentiment des spectateurs pour le faire reflechir sur la situation des vieux dans l'Italie d'après-guerre, Huster delaisse la condition des vieux dans une periode de crise pour seulement s'interesser a sa vie pourrie. La tragedie desiceenne est devenue un drame husterien tout juste digne de la television. Si on ajoute a cela un cote demago sur de nombreux points (l'abandon des animaux c'est mal, il faut assumer sa paternite meme si on a 20 ans...) le film est plus que mediocre : il est l'archetype meme de ce qui ne va pas dans le cinema français. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 02/05/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Man and His Dog (Un homme et son chien)

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Francis Huster