Alejandro E
Narrated in a realistic tone, it tells a linked story about a bond that is invisible but unbreakable: that of mothers and daughters. It is not for nothing that the film had the patronage of Alejandro González Iñarritu. An example of how to make and sell a story that awakens the viewer's empathy without the hook of cheap sentimentality. Watch and learn, Hallmark.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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michael s
Excellent movie that kept me engaged throughout trying to figure out the connection between the separate story lines. Great acting and a great cast.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
I had no preconceptions or expectations coming into this, and while the narrative may prove a stretch for some, I found it both engaging and, at times, touching.
This reminded me of the type of movie with large casts, who are loosely connected by a wide ranging plot, that we saw a lot of in the early 2000s, such as Crash, and Innaritu's 21 Grams or Babel. I thought early on this was definitely headed in a particular direction, so was surprised when it veered at one point and offered a much different, and probably more affecting, conclusion than I had anticipated through most of the film. 6.5/10
Samuel L. Jackson Binge: It is safe to assume based on this title the main focus would be on the mothers in this film and, along with a cast this strong, I was surprised Jackson made the strong impression he did in his smaller supporting role.
SLJ January #52
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
This is a film a man could pass without realising what a priceless drama they walked pass in a rush to watch Hobbs & Shaw, (as this very man nearly did) 'Need-less-to-say.. Including any action movie I've seen this year, This is a gem 💎 I could watch over and over again.. This is not easy viewing for those with big kind caring loving hearts, as this movie's storyline (which challenges a tough, complex emotive and controversial subject) 'Adoption' is so authentic to life, with, in my opinion, life-time performances played out by spectacular actors and actresses who are ALL SO (F) AMAZING - In each of their roles.. If this movie does not win a string of awards (obviously Including an Oscar) There is no justice in the world...!! I have to say though, Annette Benning steals the shoe with her ever lasting floorless breathtaking performance leaving this big G in absolute tears.. This is hard hitting bitter sweet reality bites drama, and not for the faint hearted, however, written and executed with pure genius on all levels... This is definitely a movie you can watch with the family, or romantically realising how precious life is, and more importantly, how the decisions we make in life can be so profound, sad, and indeed content... ((WooW)) 💔😪❤
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
A beautiful, unsentimental drama about relationships; independence; womanhood; adoption; love; fragility; humanity. Wonderful performances from the three leading ladies make this such a joy to watch. Brilliant work by Rodrigo García
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
This brilliant film explores the depth and scope of loss and redemption poignantly but without sanctimony. Too many contemporary stories portray birthmothers as stock characters indistinguishable from one another as human beings, linger in the delivery room, and presume there is a universal range of responses to surrender.
Instead, "Mother and Child" focuses not only on the birthmother, but on the many lives touched, intersecting and only occassionally interwoven by the birth and adoption of one child. The actors are skilled and exceptionally well-cast, and the script is not burdened with smarmy cliches.
Birth and death pass as swift, transient events in "Mother and Child", reminding us that the swaddling and shrouding are seconds long - and the substance of life is everything in between.
The women - the birthmother, her mother, the daughter she surrendered, the adoptive mother, and their mothers - are distinct, separate individuals whose lives are variously affected by adoption, absent or engaged, but always independent. "Mother and Child" is only disappointing in ending with Munrealistic images of closure, that seem contrived in these characters and most improbable in real life.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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