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Audience Member The Truth about Melissa Crider, aka Missy Crider. Her personal cell# is 310-871-9582, and 920-786-7988 Her home address is: 209 Summit Trail, Broomfield, CO 80020. She gets her mail once a week at 1140 US Hwy 287, Suite 40-140 Broomfield, CO 80020 email: and We was going to send this info to TMZ, but they won't care about this washed-up actress. She admits to hating her mom Lin for getting her into acting so young. She calls it feeding her to wolves, when her mom abandoned her on a NYC subway pushing her to go to casting calls. She admits that Hollywood has burned out her spirit. She admits she was raped by James Woods, over and over, in an abusive relationship that soiled her innocence. Jim was older than Missy's father at the time, and chewed Missy and spit her out when Missy couldn't control her mouth. Missy claims to follow Marianne Williamson, where Maryanne teaches that "relationships are laboratories for the holy spirit" but Missy can't hold a relationship since she often switches to a bipolar state of a ranting lunatic. Missy, tries to lift herself up by talking down to people, and yet she Failed at being an actress, staring in a movie called Seclusion, which got a 0% Rotten Tomatoes score and has been reviewed as "simply terrible" as well as Gigli, which bombed, and received a Rotten Tomatoes Critic Score of 6% and a Flixster User Score of 13% That means 97% of critics hated it, and 87% of real movie goers thought it was absolutely terrible. Failed at running a bed and breakfast, Failed at being a waitress and was fired in her 1st month at the The Outback, as she could not properly "sling steaks" to Outback's customers. To verify, call the general manager, Outback Steakhouse, 988 W Dillon Rd Louisville, CO 80027 Fails at staying of pain meds, she is almost always high, especially at night, when she morphs into her angry persona. Fails at staying off the alcohol and continually falls off the wagon with a few bottles of wine a night. Her dog named Jackson is the only thing that can give her unconditional love, considering her psychotic behavior and has no idea her breasts shriveled up from her nervous chain smoking. She shuns her two housemates, Paul and Jeff, and secretly eats their food in the fridge, and makes fun of the fact that they split the fridge in half with their own sides. In shows like Law and Order, she has been cast as an ANGRY person, spot on with reality. Too bad there is no need for her to do a "mommy dearest" sequel. My friend tried to find her a psychologist to help her work out her anger issues with her mom throwing her to the wolves at age 12 - something she hates her mom for and allows herself to foster rage vs love. James Woods dumped her when she cursed him out the day his mom died. He promised never to speak to her ever again, and has held true to his promise. Missy has been trying to get a degree online at Argosy University, but has had to drop a psychology class because the professor said she was "crazy". The class was PSY301 Children and Violence. I think the professor saw violent qualities in Missy and could not get through to her. Lastly, Melissa looks up to acts of suicide as something "courageous" and looks up to what Robin Williams did. Terrible. Life is something to be enjoyed, shared with others, and spread the love. She somehow thinks there is some dignity in taking your own life and having your loved ones suffer. Someone, please reach out to her and help her as she is spiraling downward . Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/29/23 Full Review Audience Member I tried to watch it because one of the stars is the sister of a friend. It was painful. Terribly written, horribly directed and painfully shot; this is an exercise in mediocrity at the wheel. The long list of co-producers, producers and exec. producers tell the real story. This film is barely funded by too many half-hearted partners. it might as well have been Mickey Rooney saying, "I've got a barn! Let's put on a show." Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 02/26/23 Full Review Audience Member if you take a Soft Core Porn Movie and remove the porn, what lefts?... Seclusion..such a bad movie! Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 02/14/23 Full Review Read all reviews

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Steve Mudd