matt s
I’ve looked at Rotten Tomatoes reviews for many years as a guide for whether or not a movie is worth watching, but had not signed up.. until today. It’s hard for me to fathom why so many people liked this movie, which i think is one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen.
A disjointed plot. Bad writing. Lead characters who are siding salesmen, loosely based on the characters Shelly Levine and Ricky Roma from Glengarry Glen Ross. Not funny. They probably spent a lot of money on the talent that is in this movie, but didn’t put it to good use. Silly, nonsensical, ending. Just bad.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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Joe H
Not too be heavy about it, but Tin Men is an alternate view of the material covered by Death of a Salesmen and Glengarry Glen Ross.
Together they are a trilogy on on the common theme of "quiet desperation." Actually, Tin Men is the most relatable of the three because of its humor. While Death of a Salesman is brutal tragedy, and Glengarry is unrelenting on its way to despair, Tin Men is closer to their humanity and foolishness. It is, eventually, more honest about their self inflicted problems.
The Tin Men are not as hollow as they seem at first. Nor are they as one dimensional and feckless as their doublegangers. They are more rounded characters. They are not doomed. They know they can survive. They intend to survive.
By the end of the movie, they accept that the fun and games of the 60s and 70s, the desperate "strangers in the night" bars full of divorced men and women, the ridiculous tail fins, etc, are over. It's VW Beetle time.
OK, so I got heavy. I'm being Sophomore year English-lit-ic. But I was there at that time. I remember it too well. I remember the fun and games. I remember some of it painfully. I was a survivor.
Tin Men is slickly delivered by an great cast, a brilliant director and a seriously professional crew.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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James B
Let me first say that I don't understand some of the one-star and two-star reviews. I just don't. I can understand three, because it may not be for everyone, but this film is crafted well enough to where I don't see how a 2-star or below rating is possible.
Let's start with the atmosphere. Levinson recreated a time and place with so much color, realism, and love, that this alone would garner at least 3 stars. The period details are beyond reproach.
The movie does suffer from some pacing issues, but to me they are minor. This is a movie that relies on dialog, which is excellent, and the actors to inhabit their characters with the necessary quirkiness to make the dialog work. It succeeds. Was it laugh out loud funny? Not often. But it's humor and charm work on a different level. This is a dark comedy, but so thickly veiled as a charming period comedy that it doesn't look like one, and for that reason I think it confused some audiences. So if you've never watched it, and you decide to, go into it with the knowledge this is a dark comedy and you will probably have a much better experience.
The film also managed, at least for me, to pull off something that is not easy. It took a group of sleazy aluminum siding salesmen, and believe me they are sleazy, and made them human. The slickness is so ingrained in these characters that, try as the might, they can never quite shake it, but that's what makes the moments when they do show their more human, vulnerable side all the more striking.
In closing I'll comment on some other audience reviewer whose one-sentence review read "Fat too slow to be effective." Perhaps you are FAT too slow to appreciate the subtleties of Tin Men, and most definitely FAT too slow to type.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Timothy T
Despite having two great leading actor's the Dramedy doesn't deliver a lot of laugh's. It could've of been better.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Nick S
Biggest waste of time. Zero character arch, completely stupid.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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ewan m
One of my favourite films, funny, good music, well filmed and acted
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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