Vidar the Vampire
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Vidar the Vampire
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Cast & Crew
Thomas Aske Berg
Fredrik Waldeland
Thomas Aske Berg
Vidar Hårr
Marit Sanden
Kristin Hårr
Ingvar Skretting
Pastor Arne Friestad
Sigve Aasland
Sheriff Bjarne Rugland
Vidar the Vampire
Vidar the Vampire
Movie Info
Director -
Thomas Aske Berg , Fredrik Waldeland -
Producer -
Thomas Aske Berg , John Iver Berg -
Screenwriter -
Thomas Aske Berg , Fredrik Waldeland -
Production Co -
UFOh! , Foton4 Film -
Genre -
Comedy , Fantasy , Horror -
Original Language -
Norwegian -
Release Date (Streaming) -
Jun 12, 2018 -
Runtime -
1h 23m