James B
The makeup looked surprisingly decent and the camera quality felt like the Blair witch project which is good
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Josh A
This is basically the Saw 0.5 of The Evil Dead. I mean, it's decent, but basically just a proof of concept movie made by some friends that pales in comparison to the other entries.
Firstly, the practical effects were amazing. And it has a nice vibe to it, as all the characters use their actors' names, making it have a student film quality to it. Also, the ending was great as it's sudden, seeing one of the friends just get up suddenly. That's the good stuff with this.
However, basically everything this film does, The Evil Dead does but better. So, it doesn't get the highest score, but regardless, it's decent. It's not a Shakespearean masterpiece, but it's decent.
Overall, alright, but definitely a proof of concept rather than a proper movie.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Elvis D
Hecha como un simple proyecto universitario, este cortometraje fue la semilla que terminaría dando comienzo a la saga de Evil Dead. Como cualquier proyecto de ese tipo, este es un film de muy bajo presupuesto con un joven Bruce Campbell antes de ser Ash y con muy pocos recursos. Raimi se las ingenio para tratar de hacer algo y al menos hizo una historia que es bastante entretenida en sus 30 minutos de duración. Lo malo es la terrible calidad de video que hace difícil poder disfrutar un poco del film. Se nota que ha envejecido bastante y es una pena que no pudo ser retocada o remasterizada. Los efectos especiales obviamente son cutres, pero al menos la sangre es algo y también el primer diseño de lo que serían los Deadites. Como película en sí es bastante mala debido a su horrible calidad y eso la hace la más inferior de toda la saga de Evil Dead, pero tiene un cierto grado de valor por ser el episodio piloto de la saga y eso hace que se merezca un poco el cariño de los fanáticos. Recomendable solamente para los fanáticos, no para cualquiera. Mi calificación final para esta película es un 3/10.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Quaid F
This short film is certified Groovy.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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Audience Member
Nowhere near as good as the horror-comedy franchise it would eventually spawn, Within the Woods can be asmired for its passion and determination to work within its tiny budget but, while a nice time capsule of Sam Raimi's humble beginnings, is mostly just a prototype of The Evil Dead, without that movie's brilliance. The grainy video and audio doesn't help but then again, I was feeling a bit of Evil Dead fatigue at the time after watching the trilogy and binge-reading the comic books, hence why my review of the remake popped up months later and why I'm in no real hurry to review the Starz show. Fascinating for a bit of backstory behind a horror classic followed by two sequel masterpieces but mostly just an aspiring director having some spooky fun with his college buddies.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
For a film project, it was pretty ambitious at the time. If it weren't for this short film, we wouldn't have Evil Dead. I recommend checking it out.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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