Giacomo Battiato
Giacomo Battiato's success as a director was marked by a long line of films over the course of his Hollywood career. At the start of his Hollywood career, Battiato was directing a variety of independent films, such as "Dentro la Casa della Vecchia Signora" (1971), "I Paladini Storia d'Armi e d'Amori" (1983) and "Le Armi e Gli Amori" (1983). He continued to work in film in the eighties and the early 2000s, directing motion pictures like the Anthony Quinn biopic "Stradivari" (1989), the biographical drama "Una Vita Scellerata" (1990) with Wadeck Stanczak and the dramatic adaptation "Diary of a Rapist" (1994) with Roberto Zibetti. Battiato most recently directed "Resolution 819" (2008) with Karolina Gruszka.