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Harpo Marx

Highest Rated: 100% At the Circus (1939)

Lowest Rated: 63% A Night in Casablanca (1946)

Birthday: Nov 23, 1888

Birthplace: New York, New York, USA

This mute, blond-wigged naif Marx Brother evolved from a girl-chasing faun to a sweet innocent. The most fey and absurdist of the brothers, Harpo's art was closer to 19th century French mime than to American vaudeville. He worked as a bellboy while learning the harp which became his trademark. He and older brother Chico formed a comedy duo around the turn of the century, and by the early 1910s he was in vaudeville with Chico, Groucho and Gummo in acts like "Fun in Hi Skool" (1911) and "Welcome Home" (1914), both penned by their uncle Al Shean.

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Highest-Rated Movies

100% 63% At the Circus
97% 90% A Night at the Opera
97% 86% Horse Feathers
97% 89% Animal Crackers
95% 69% The Cocoanuts
95% 89% A Day at the Races
91% 91% Duck Soup
90% 59% Go West
90% 84% Monkey Business
64% 56% Room Service


Movies TV Shows
The Story of Mankind 10% 1957 Sir Isaac Newton Actor Love Happy 34% 1949 Harpo Actor A Night in Casablanca 63% 69% 1946 Rusty Actor The All-Star Bond Rally 1945 Actor Go West 90% 59% 1940 "Rusty" Panello Actor At the Circus 100% 63% 1939 Punchy Actor Room Service 64% 56% 1938 Faker Englund Actor A Day at the Races 95% 89% 1937 Stuffy Actor A Night at the Opera 97% 90% 1935 Tomasso Actor Duck Soup 91% 91% 1933 Pinky Actor Horse Feathers 97% 86% 1932 Pinky Actor Monkey Business 90% 84% 1931 Harpo Actor Animal Crackers 97% 89% 1930 The Professor Actor The Cocoanuts 95% 69% 1929 Harpo Actor Too Many Kisses 1925 The Village Peter Pan Actor Humor Risk 1921 Watson Actor
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