Jonathan Brandis
A TV teen sensation who snared a regular post aboard "seaQuest DSV/seaquest 2030" (NBC, 1993-95), an underwater sci-fi series from Steven Spielberg and Amblin Entertainment, Brandis was admirably convincing as boy genius Lucas Wolenczak, an invaluable crew member of the high-tech submarine in the future. Hailed by TV GUIDE in the summer of 1994 as the "new hot-hot-hot teen mag cover boy," Brandis received over 4000 fan letters a week. Ironically, he first caught the attention of teenaged girls by impersonating one. "Ladybugs" (1992), a mild Rodney Dangerfield vehicle, featured the blond-haired, blue-eyed heartthrob in drag as a ringer on a girl's soccer team.