Sharon Gless
Though she preferred to consider herself a comedienne, actress Sharon Gless achieved her greatest fame in dramatic turns on several acclaimed television series, most notably the groundbreaking police show "Cagney and Lacey" (CBS, 1982-88), which earned her two Emmys, a Golden Globe, and countless nominations. She later earned more acclaim as an outspoken public defender in "The Trials of Rosie O'Neill" (CBS, 1990-92), and was hailed for her performance as Hal Sparks' supportive mother on the American version of "Queer as Folk" (Showtime, 2000-05). She continued her impressive streak on television with a turn as the chain-smoking, hypochondriac and always prying mother of a banished spy (Jeffrey Donovan) on the hit cable series, "Burn Notice" (USA, 2007-13), while also earning attention for her stints on "The State Within" (BBC, 2006), and "Nip/Tuck" (FX, 2003-2010). Having also received solid notices for her numerous stage appearances in America and England, it was no small wonder that Gless remained a viable and sought-after actress for several decades.