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Exit Through the Gift Shop

Play trailer Poster for Exit Through the Gift Shop R Released Apr 16, 2010 1h 27m Documentary Play Trailer Watchlist
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96% Tomatometer 115 Reviews 91% Popcornmeter 10,000+ Ratings
The infamous, shadowy British graffiti street artist Banksy has literally left his mark on cities throughout the world. He comes in contact with Thierry Guetta, a Los Angeles-based Frenchman who videotapes various underground art escapades, and later is transformed into an art phenomenon dubbed "Mr. Brainwash." Rhys Ifans narrates an overlapping documentary where the line between what is real and what might be fake blurs, as modern art and celebrity are put under the microscope.
Exit Through the Gift Shop

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Critics Consensus

An amusing, engrossing look at underground art, Exit Through the Gift Shop entertains as it deflates the myths and hype surrounding its subjects.

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Critics Reviews

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Alex Vega Autostraddle It's light and playful, it's interesting to see how these elusive street artists work, and it's also satisfying to hear Banksy speak (even if his voice is disguised) because it turns out he's sarcastic and humorous as hell (of course). Jun 8, 2021 Full Review Kaleem Aftab Independent (UK) Banksy proves that his talents extend beyond the spray can to the movie camera. May 15, 2018 Full Review Ben Kenigsberg Time Out Rated: 4/5 Nov 18, 2011 Full Review Rene Jordan El Nuevo Herald (Miami) The documentary is an exchange of illusions and obsessions, fascinating from beginning to end. [Full review in Spanish] Aug 10, 2022 Full Review Dustin Chang Floating World It is a very well made, good archival material for street art movement, with a lot of humor: the guerrilla style, tag-and-run aesthetic brings a lot of funny, entertaining moments. It also questions the nature of art and art as commodity Mar 21, 2021 Full Review Richard Propes One of the most profound art documentaries in years. Rated: 3.5/4.0 Sep 7, 2020 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Leaburn O Entertaining documentary about street art and a zany French interloper to the scene. Watched on DVD. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 12/15/24 Full Review Ricardo W Entonces, ¿quieren hablar de Zeitgeist, de capturar el sentido de los tiempos que vivimos, del arte imitando a la vida que imita al arte que imita a...? ¡Dejen de hablar de Social Network y comiencen a hablar de Exit Through the Gift Shop! Este documental es imperdible para quien desee sentarse un rato a pensar sobre la naturaleza del arte, los artistas, la escena urbana y los medios. O simplemente, sobre lo complejos que nos hemos vuelto como seres humanos inmersos en una cultura de masas que valora la individualidad ante todo - ¡vaya contradicción! - con las consecuencias que han terminado marcándonos como generación: el ego exacerbado, el querer ser tan distintos y únicos que terminamos haciendo todos lo mismo -la unidad en la alteridad y viceversa-, y el creernos con derecho a opinar sobre cualquier cosa y a juzgarlo todo, el creernos tan importantes que queremos dar cuenta de todo lo que pensamos como si a alguien le importase (bienvenidos a mi blog, por cierto). Tal vez como documental es cualquier cosa: rodaje abundante inteligentemente editado y musicalizado. Pero su mayor mérito es que no da respuestas. En un mundo donde los medios se encargan constantemente de digerir la información antes de que llegue al público para entregársela procesada, como papilla, indicándole qué pensar, cómo opinar y qué carril seguir, este documental honra su propio eje central, la contracultura, rebelándose contra ese pre-procesamiento de la información. ¿Qué hace a un artista "legítimo"? ¿Quién decide qué es arte? ¿Dónde está la frontera que separa la cultura de masas de la subcultura o contracultura underground? Son tiempos confusos, cada quién tiene derecho a su propia opinión, y el espectador asiste a esta exposición de puntos de vista casi sin filtro, para decidir por sí mismo cuál respuesta prefiere. Incluso, puede no preferir ninguna. Todo vale, vale todo. Suprema ironía la acogida de la crítica y el público: legitimar este documental comercialmente y hacerlo mainstream. ¿Pero qué otra cosa podría esperarse? En estos tiempos no hay nada tan corriente como la contracorriente. Sería divertidísimo ver a Banksy en la alfombra roja de los premios de la Academia, luciendo un hoodie custom-made by Prada. Claro está, todas estas reflexiones hacen obvio el por qué del éxito de Social Network -que, viéndolo así, no me cabe la menor duda de que arrasará con los Oscar-: en lugar de pensar en todo esto, es mejor que alguien lo haga por nosotros y nos lo entreguen procesadito y empacado de forma atractiva. ¿Y quién dice que eso no es válido también? A fin de cuentas, "We are living in the age in which the pursuit of all values other than money, success, fame, glamour, have either been discredited or destroyed". Sí, tal vez sobre-analicé la cosa. So? Rated 5 out of 5 stars 10/06/24 Full Review Bulgantamir B It was very fantastic Rated 5 out of 5 stars 08/02/24 Full Review Munkhjargal A the film is a documentary about a young artist who paints. He made a name for himself by painting street art, but later he made a video about entertainment in Los Angeles. it was also becoming very popular. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 07/28/24 Full Review erdene c I'm very happy that movie shows us the steps and choices that we have but didn't know Rated 5 out of 5 stars 08/01/24 Full Review Bahad j I am very happy that the movie shows us the steps and choices that are necessary in the life of a great person. I like the movie. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 07/27/24 Full Review Read all reviews
Exit Through the Gift Shop

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Movie Info

Synopsis The infamous, shadowy British graffiti street artist Banksy has literally left his mark on cities throughout the world. He comes in contact with Thierry Guetta, a Los Angeles-based Frenchman who videotapes various underground art escapades, and later is transformed into an art phenomenon dubbed "Mr. Brainwash." Rhys Ifans narrates an overlapping documentary where the line between what is real and what might be fake blurs, as modern art and celebrity are put under the microscope.
Jaimie D'Cruz
Producers Distribution Agency
Production Co
Paranoid Pictures
R (Some Language)
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Apr 16, 2010, Limited
Release Date (Streaming)
Dec 11, 2010
Box Office (Gross USA)
1h 27m