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      Invader Zim - Mini-Disc 2

      2001 List
      Reviews 92% 100+ Ratings Audience Score Read More Read Less

      Audience Reviews

      View All (7) audience reviews
      Audience Member GREAT ANIMATION GREAT VOICE ACTING AND GREAT STORY the only thing I can find bad about it isn't even that bad and its an either or thing even thought its good for me maybe not good for little kids is the dark humor but that's nitpicking besides that ITS AN AMAZING SHOW Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Audience Member Nunca pude disfrutar de Invasor Zim en su época en que estaba en trasmisión en el antes decente Nickelodeon, y saben que, no me arrepiento, ya que la serie no me mato mucho. Ojo, no estoy diciendo que la serie sea mala, simplemente me esperaba algo más, algo que muchos pintaban como una obra imprescindible de ver, es solo una serie normal que solo busca perturbar al espectador, como lo era Billy y Mandy, solo que aquí son invasiones y muchos gritos con ataques de epilepsia. Lo que si vale la pena de observar en esta obra de Jhonen Vasquez son ciertos episodios que abarcan los 20 minutos completos del nuevo tema que trataban en el capítulo. Cosa que me crea una emoción para que anuncien una nueva obra de esta franquicia, y ver, al menos para mi gusto y deseo, ver que Zim domine el planeta tierra de forma definitiva (¿al menos en el episodio de Navidad se puede deducir que lo logro?). Menciones especiales para la buena animación (es descuidada en ciertas partes xD), y a ciertos personajes, como es el caso de Tak, que es mi personaje favorito. PD: Para los que vieron Panty and Stocking, ¿Nunca creyeron que Gir se parecía a Chuck? Ya que me parece gracioso que hasta el propio Vasquez le hizo reír esa parodia, diciendo: "Parece que Chuck está desaprovechado en el programa, pero creo que es lo mejor que pudieron hacer con el poco cerebro que le quedó después de toda esa heroína." Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/18/23 Full Review Audience Member I couldn't find the rest of the show on the site, so I'll just put my review here, hehe. From the incredibly twisted mind of Jhonen Vasquez (who also brought us such gems as Squee and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac), this insanely funny cartoon can only be described as exactly that: crazy. I saw it for the first time at a friend's house party. We were all pretty wasted by the time the host decided to put this cartoon on, and I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life. And re-watching it again when I was sober proved that it really is good, and not just something to laugh at while drunk. Gir has to be one of the cutest and most hilarious little cartoons to ever hit the screen. He's not stupid, he's advanced! 8/10, very enjoyable! Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/13/23 Full Review Audience Member I couldn't find the rest of the show on the site, so I'll just put my review here, hehe. From the incredibly twisted mind of Jhonen Vasquez (who also brought us such gems as Squee and Johnny the Homicidal Maniac), this insanely funny cartoon can only be described as exactly that: crazy. I saw it for the first time at a friend's house party. We were all pretty wasted by the time the host decided to put this cartoon on, and I don't think I've laughed so hard in my life. And re-watching it again when I was sober proved that it really is good, and not just something to laugh at while drunk. Gir has to be one of the cutest and most hilarious little cartoons to ever hit the screen. He's not stupid, he's advanced! 8/10, very enjoyable! Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/09/23 Full Review Audience Member Might as well review a classic. It's animation had a few errors once in a while but is forgiven with its little details in the background and such. I like all of the characters and I can't find one to hate. I'll say my favorite is Dib, the rival against our main character. Speaking of which, the story is interesting but feels like there should have been more to it. Well, I can excuse it considering it was canceled so... It's very dark when you consider that Zim was sent to Earth in the first place because the Tallest wanted him dead or Dib knows that Zim is an alien but no one believes him and call him insane. I could go on and on but it was a good show while it lasted. In fact, the last episode was a Christmas episode so if you consider that... never mind. Like I said, good show. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/01/23 Full Review Audience Member Invader Zim is one of those shows that will take over and invade your heart, its simply one of the best cartoons I have ever seen since Ed, Edd, and Eddy. The Voice Acting is witty, and the humor is out-of-this-world awesome, though for a very short series, it does not fail to entertain, show it to the kids, but BE WARNED, there may be some scenes that may scare them I wouldnt show to kids under 4, give it a shot :D Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/22/23 Full Review Read all reviews Post a rating

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      Critics Reviews

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      Steven Oxman Variety The cartoon captures a nice blend of the innocent and the satirical, and should appeal to Nick's core audience of youngsters and early teenagers. Oct 19, 2018 Full Review Read all reviews

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      Unknown Director