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The Artifice Girl

Play trailer 1:34 Poster for The Artifice Girl Released Apr 27, 2023 1h 33m Sci-Fi Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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92% Tomatometer 49 Reviews 75% Popcornmeter 250+ Ratings
A team of special agents discovers a revolutionary new computer program to bait and trap online predators. After teaming up with the program's troubled developer, they soon find that the AI is rapidly advancing beyond its original purpose.
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The Artifice Girl

The Artifice Girl

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Critics Consensus

The Artifice Girl blends timely themes and a sci-fi structure to explore thought-provoking questions surrounding the ethics of artificial intelligence.

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Critics Reviews

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Adam Kempenaar Filmspotting It’s a film that I’m sure some will decry as too talky… I feel otherwise, for several reasons, including its clearly intentional mise en scene – the lighting, blocking, editing, and the intimacy and urgency produced by those confined spaces. Rated: 4/5 May 26, 2023 Full Review Ty Burr Ty Burr's Watch List (Substack) It’s a surprisingly tender drama of ideas that at times reminded me of a variation on the 2001 Spielberg/Kubrick film “A.I. Artificial Intelligence.” Rated: 3/4 May 5, 2023 Full Review Noel Murray Los Angeles Times The action is in the dialogue, which presents a series of invigorating arguments about where the ethical lines are when it comes to creating and then exploiting an intelligent computer program. May 2, 2023 Full Review Ayrton-Lewis Avery Battle Royale With Cheese The Artifice Girl is just one proof that Ritch can direct independent cinema that is as strange as it is enjoyable. Dec 16, 2024 Full Review Katelyn Nelson Daily Grindhouse A markedly uncomfortable and emotional watch, Ritch’s film feels both unique and necessary, especially in a world where technology itself is constantly shifting from luxury to necessity. Aug 4, 2024 Full Review Joshua Polanski Offscreen The directorial work is impressive but [Franklin] Ritch’s script and performance are something to marvel at. Jul 31, 2024 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member My granddaughter, daughter, and I watched this together...three different generations, right? We all consider this film to be one of the best movies related to "artificial intelligence" we've ever seen... This film was very philosophical, which means it had plenty of dialogue. I know this spells drugery and boredom for some viewers... The idea of a computer program developing sentience and eventually porting into an artificial body and ultimately detaching itself from its network and original mission was/is fascinating. The story works as a metaphor for humans who work hard to develop, to travel a path of reinvention and become a more evolved version of themselves. We think the acting, and small sets all fit the story perfectly. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 11/17/24 Full Review Jenniffer S What a terrible movie! The problem is not the low budget or the never ending dialogues, it is the whole concept of AI! So the top, the panacea of super intelligence is to dance and be angry? Really?? So super intelligence consists of being a freaking human??? What a stupid idea! What about reaching super consciousness, moving things with the mind, who knows! And bored of saving children? Honestly?? What a crap of script! Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 11/02/24 Full Review R C As someone else pointed out, this film says more about generational trauma than it does AI. Can we change our own programming? Are we destined to live out the desire of our parents? Do we need their approval? Or can we chose our own destiny? Didn't see that coming. Kudos! Rated 5 out of 5 stars 08/17/24 Full Review Audience Member STEAK ODER LACHS? DIE K.I. WEISS ES Deena und Amos sitzen in einem dunklen Kellerbüro Gareth gegenüber. Sie wollen von ihm ein Geständnis das er sich in Foren bewegt, in dem es um junge Mädchen geht. Gareth schwört das er nichts unrechtes getan hat, denn er hat eine K.I. basierend auf einem jungen Mädchen mit dem Namen Cherry entwickelt, um Pädophile anzulocken. The Artifice Girl von 2022 geht ca. 95 Minuten und ist ab 12 Jahren freigegeben. Wir haben hier einen Sci-Fi-Thriller in dem es darum geht, das man mit künstlicher Intelligenz Pädophile Jagd. In drei verschiedenen Zeitabschnitten bekommen wir ein Kammerspiel serviert, das nicht nur philosophische Fragen aufwirft, sondern allgemein die K.I. thematisiert. Ich mochte die ersten beiden Absätze ungemein, nicht nur ist das Verhör im ersten ungemein spannend und mitreißend inszeniert. Im zweiten Abschnitt wird zudem die Frage aufgemacht, ob man K.I. in ferner Zukunft Rechte einräumen soll. Dies mag lächerlich klingen, eine K.I. mit Rechten, die tun schließlich nur das worauf sie programmiert sind. Jedoch bleibt die Frage, die hier mit Cherry aufgemacht wird, wenn eine Intelligenz soweit fortgeschritten ist das sie über den menschlichen Verstand hinaus geht, darf eine K.I. nicht selbst entscheiden was sie tun möchte? Immerhin kein typischer 08/15 Weltuntergangsmist Die schauspielerische Leistung ist auf den Punkt, im dritten Abschnitt kommt noch Lance Henriksen dazu und ich hatte leichte Detroit Become Humon Vibes. Am Ende bleibt ein Werk über das viele nur schmunzeln dürften (vielleicht gefällt das Thema auch nur mir), eine K.I. nach Gefühlen zu fragen oder was sie gern möchte. Jedoch wird hier fesselnd erzählt und die Laufzeit ist genau richtig gewählt, so das es nie Langeweile gibt. Von mir bekommt der Film 8/10 Punkten. Wer nun lacht das über die Rechte von K.I. geredet wird, sollte sich daran erinnern das Frauen, Kinder, Schwarze und Homosexuelle noch nicht solange die Rechte genießen wie wir sie heute kennen. Vor über 100 Jahren tat man dies ebenfalls als Schwachsinn ab. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 08/12/24 Full Review Jose Raul B This movie presents an excellent study case about the possibilities of AI singularity. It would have been good if it involved more characters. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 08/12/24 Full Review Tim K This surprising film rises above its obviously low budget with its talented writing and relatable premise. Sits on the very near horizon of Sci-Fi soon to be. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 07/23/24 Full Review Read all reviews
The Artifice Girl

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Awake 22% 26% Awake Watchlist TRAILER for Awake Last Contact 33% 30% Last Contact Watchlist TRAILER for Last Contact Implanted % 95% Implanted Watchlist TRAILER for Implanted Sensation 14% 83% Sensation Watchlist TRAILER for Sensation The A-Frame 77% % The A-Frame Watchlist Discover more movies and TV shows. View More

Movie Info

Synopsis A team of special agents discovers a revolutionary new computer program to bait and trap online predators. After teaming up with the program's troubled developer, they soon find that the AI is rapidly advancing beyond its original purpose.
Franklin Ritch
Aaron B. Koontz, Ashleigh Snead
Franklin Ritch
XYZ Films
Production Co
Paper Street Pictures, Last Resort Ideas, Blood Oath
Sci-Fi, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Apr 27, 2023, Limited
Release Date (Streaming)
Apr 27, 2023
1h 33m
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