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The Incite Mill

2011 1h 45m Horror Mystery & Thriller List
Tomatometer 0 Reviews 31% Popcornmeter 100+ Ratings
Ten people take the same lucrative job, only to find themselves locked up and forced to play a murder game.

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Audience Member Cool concept. A version of who done it. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/18/23 Full Review Audience Member Great concept, but flawed execution. Ten strangers sign up for a highly lucrative but mysterious role. They then discover that they are to be part of a social experiment lasting seven days. Also turns out that the experiment involves murder... Very interesting premise, and the first few scenes for the movie were very intriguing. The movie felt like Battle Royale meets Cube meets Cluedo, with a touch of Agatha Christie thrown in. However, it doesn't quite deliver on its promise. While trying to be a study in human behaviour, it doesn't really capture human behaviour very well. In addition, many plot developments feel contrived, and can easily be explained away, by means more obvious than those decided upon in the movie. We also have twists for twists sake, some of which are telegraphed a long way off. On the plus side, there is still a good degree of intrigue, and this does keep you interested. Overall: okay, but not great. A tighter, more focused script and this would have been excellent. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/20/23 Full Review Audience Member The whole "Battle Royale" plot is always exciting, but this is a more shallow version. Less logic in the plot and thematically weak. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/24/23 Full Review Audience Member Inspired by Agatha Christie's "And Then There Were None" and reality TV show "Big Brother", the story sees 10 strangers sealed underground and manipulated into killing each other. Strongly let down by poor logic, plodding pace, and dull performances. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/25/23 Full Review Audience Member Para dez pessoas é prometido um trabalho dos sonhos que paga 112 mil ienes por hora, sem precisar de experiência ou qualificações necessárias. Eles são então levados para um complexo subterrâneo e remoto e são presos lá em um jogo cheio de mortes e assassinatos que vai durar sete dias, até que sobre apenas um para ficar com o dinheiro todo. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/19/23 Full Review Audience Member Avec "Ch@troom", Hideo Nakata s'était laissé tenter par son premier film à vocation occidentale", pour un résultat visuellement chatoyant mais à la morale salement réactionnaire. Pas mieux avec ce "TV Show" qui, après les chatrooms, s'élève, avec juste une dizaine d'années de retard, sur les dérives de la télé-réalité. Si le contexte semblait au moins idéalement taillé pour un huis-clos suffocant, Nakata avait, semble-t-il, mieux à faire que d'entrer dans les détails. Les personnages à la psychologie sommaire sont brossés à gros traits (une suicidaire, un arriviste, un bon p'tit gars,...), les acteurs surjouent comme dans les Drama qui ont, pour la plupart, lancé leur carrière, et ce Cluedo grandeur nature finit par virer à une "Battle Royale" où il suffit simplement de tuer avant d'être tué. "Battle Royale" était certes génial mais il se déroulait en espace ouvert et surtout, c'était il y a plus de dix ans. Décidément, depuis "The Ring", Nakata s'obstine, avec une belle constance, à s'enfoncer dans l'obscurité. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/05/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Incite Mill

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Movie Info

Synopsis Ten people take the same lucrative job, only to find themselves locked up and forced to play a murder game.
Hideo Nakata
Satoshi Suzuki
Production Co
Nippon Television Network, Warner Bros.
Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
1h 45m