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The Predator

Play trailer 2:06 Poster for The Predator R Released Sep 14, 2018 1h 46m Sci-Fi Action Adventure Horror Play Trailer Watchlist
Watchlist Tomatometer Popcornmeter
34% Tomatometer 295 Reviews 32% Popcornmeter 5,000+ Ratings
From the outer reaches of space to the small-town streets of suburbia, the hunt comes home. The universe's most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA from other species. When a boy accidentally triggers their return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and an evolutionary biologist can prevent the end of the human race.
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The Predator

The Predator

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Critics Consensus

The Predator has violence and quips to spare, but its chaotically hollow action adds up to another missed opportunity for a franchise increasingly defined by disappointment.

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Critics Reviews

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Chris Stuckmann This film was a mess, and easily the most disappointing film of the whole year. Rated: D+ Sep 21, 2018 Full Review Malik Adán Shadow and Act Black's latest addition to the franchise cashes in on high-octane action scenes, comedy, self-referential moments and pathological mapping that draws you into the Loonies' psychology, questions of ability and the mission at hand. Sep 20, 2018 Full Review Abraham Riesman New York Magazine/Vulture Yet another reminder that the strange alchemy of the progenitor probably can't be replicated. Hawkins is spinning in his jungle grave. Sep 14, 2018 Full Review Calum Cooper Source (Scotland) It’s a deplorable, cringe-worthy geek show made only for the banal fantasies of undemanding nerds, and little boys who can’t get into the cinema due to the 15 certificate. Rated: 1/5 Jul 14, 2024 Full Review William Jones CBR While it has shortcomings, Shane Black's The Predator is a far better sequel than many give it credit for, and one fans should give another shot. Jan 9, 2023 Full Review Dolores Quintana Dolores Quintana The basics of THE PREDATOR are that the action, the fighting, the gore, the jokes, and the performances are really quite good. It’s just that the actors involved could have done so much more with a more ambitious movie and script. Dec 28, 2022 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Abel T I like it I don't get the hate Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/23/25 Full Review Marco L (CASTELLANO) Con cada nueva entrega de la saga Depredador, el reto siempre es el mismo: recuperar la esencia de la original sin caer en la repetición. En este caso, la película se mueve entre el homenaje y la renovación, con un enfoque más explosivo y una dosis de humor que, según el espectador, puede funcionar o restarle tensión a la historia. El guion no busca reinventar la franquicia ni añadir profundidad a su trama. Sabemos de antemano lo que vamos a ver, y en ese sentido, cumple con la acción, el espectáculo y los enfrentamientos sangrientos que se esperan. Sin embargo, su exceso de personajes y tramas dispersas hacen que pierda cohesión, sintiéndose más como un conjunto de secuencias espectaculares que como una historia bien hilada. Con un ritmo dinámico y secuencias que mantienen el interés, es una película entretenida, pero sin el impacto de sus mejores entregas. No está a la altura del clásico de los 80, pero dentro del cine de acción cumple su función sin mayores pretensiones. (ENGLISH) With each new installment of the Predator franchise, the challenge remains the same: recapture the essence of the original without feeling repetitive. This time, the film balances homage and reinvention, with a more explosive approach and a dose of humor that, depending on the viewer, either enhances or undermines the tension. The script doesn’t aim to reinvent the franchise or add depth to its story. We know exactly what to expect, and in that sense, it delivers on action, spectacle, and the bloody confrontations that define the series. However, an excess of characters and scattered subplots make it feel disjointed, more like a collection of impressive set pieces than a well-structured narrative. With a fast-paced rhythm and engaging sequences, it remains an entertaining watch, though it lacks the impact of its strongest entries. It doesn’t reach the heights of the 80s classic, but as an action film, it gets the job done without aiming for much more. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/04/25 Full Review Obi-wan K Just no Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/25/25 Full Review xXxRuan Carlos Ruca x I Think,The Predator in This Movie Have a Good Design and A Movie Witcher Good Action and with some Not Só Much Good Effects But o Think The most part of The Movie is Funable Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 01/28/25 Full Review Beth N My husband and I think this is a lot of fun and definitely worth watching for Predator fans. We've watched it multiple times. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/16/25 Full Review Nitsan F So glad I ignored the humorless haters. This movie is hilarious with a ton of sci-fi action. Great cinematography. Fantastic cast. Overall just a ton of fun! I would describe it as "E.T. meets Scary Movie meets Terminator meets Road Trip". Instant classic! Miss this at your own peril. Note: missed opportunity to use the line "Predator? I hardly know her!" Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/03/25 Full Review Read all reviews
The Predator

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Movie Info

Synopsis From the outer reaches of space to the small-town streets of suburbia, the hunt comes home. The universe's most lethal hunters are stronger, smarter and deadlier than ever before, having genetically upgraded themselves with DNA from other species. When a boy accidentally triggers their return to Earth, only a ragtag crew of ex-soldiers and an evolutionary biologist can prevent the end of the human race.
Shane Black
John Davis
Fred Dekker, Shane Black
20th Century Fox
Production Co
Davis Entertainment
R (Language Throughout|Crude Sexual References|Strong Bloody Violence)
Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Horror
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Sep 14, 2018, Wide
Release Date (Streaming)
Nov 27, 2018
Box Office (Gross USA)
1h 46m
Sound Mix
Dolby, Dolby Atmos
Aspect Ratio
Scope (2.35:1)
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