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Time Chasers

Play trailer Poster for Time Chasers 1994 1h 29m Sci-Fi Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 0 Reviews 19% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
A man (Matthew Bruch) must go to different eras to stop his time-traveling technology from falling into the wrong hands.

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John C Do you have boys of about 6-8 years old? Do you want to keep them entertained for a couple of hours while you try to feel human again? Well, you may want to put on 'Time Chasers' for them - if they're into general action/sci-fi/adventure type films you may get a little down time. Otherwise, I can't see much use for this movie. It has 'Made for TV' written all over it. It's about a scientist (I think) who builds a time machine out of a plane and then sells it to a - blatantly evil - corporation. What could possibly go wrong? Cue some alternate (and cheep-looking!) dystopian futures and trips back and forth in time from one wooded area to the next. It was made - apparently - in 1994 and yet it feels like it should have been made around 1980. If I had to liken it to another film I'd say 'Inner Space.' Only that was great with a fast-moving and humorous pace. 'Time Chasers' is just like a - very - poor imitation of it. There are no real familiar faces on show here and the dialogue is so cliche and mundane it's hard to tell whether the actors are good or not - they try. The mullet-haired hero tries to be macho, but it's hard to watch a bicycle chase through a wood and actually find it entertaining, let alone thrilling. Imagine the 'speederbike' chase from 'Return of the Jedi' only on push-bikes - yeah, they don't even compare, do they? That's what you get here. There really is little here to recommend. The only 'positive' I took from watching this sluggish effort is the fact that it's reminded me how long it's been since I last watched 'Inner Space' (which I own on DVD) so I'll probably put that on soon. If you can find it - just watch that. It'll also entertain kids with the bonus of also being enjoyable for adults at the same time. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/25/25 Full Review John R Hey, they were ambitious. You have to give them that. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 05/14/22 Full Review Audience Member The new MST3K Netflix original has been released and I decided to expose myself to some of the old episodes available for streaming on Hulu and Netflix (there is a different random selection on each platform). Whether it is Joel or Mike watching these awful movies with the bots I do not envy the torture they are put through. Their snarky comments add some entertainment value, but my ratings are based on the movie's quality itself and not the extra material broadcast from the satellite of love. More low-budget cheese, a ridiculous time travel plot, and a hero with a mullet. Every attempt to generate excitement is botched and simply becomes a joke. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 02/01/23 Full Review Audience Member TIME CHASERS, a stunningly awful, poorly made rip-off of BACK TO THE FUTURE, PART II is such forgettable garbage made to such low standards that it isn't really even worthy of a review. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/16/23 Full Review Audience Member I liked the novel premise of time travel being discovered and soon exploited by an extremely wealthy and powerful corporation. Not that unique, but it has potential for some groundbreaking special effects, bolstering performances, and interesting twists on the technology used in cinema. We don't get any of that, thankfully. Instead, Time Chasers is a convoluted sci-fi mess that left me scratching my head, as I tried to ignore the enormous plotholes by focusing on the emotionless acting. Then again, I don't have many complaints, as I was watching the MST3K gang riffing on the movie the whole time. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/13/23 Full Review Audience Member Another crappy mid 90s flick featuring one of the lamest leading men in cinematic history (the MST3K crew ate into him like he was Donald Sterling at the Source Awards), "Time Chasers" follows Nick (picture Sponge from Salute Your Shorts meets Richard Dreyfuss), a 10-speed riding loser with hockey hair in Vermont who constructs a time machine in his Cessna plane. Planning to use the technology for humanitarian purposes, he inadvertently signs it over to an evil corporation who, as we learn from when he goes 50 years in the future, has used it for evil and created a post-Apocalyptic society. Desperate to go back and change things, he and the female lead, who he shares the most awkward make-out scene ever with, must play a cat and mouse game with the evil CEO and his goons as they travel back and forth through time to try to be the one at the helm of this cutting edge time travel technology (that fits on a floppy disk...) with the fate of the world at stake! Bad movies with time travel are always awesome, but I can't decide which is funnier, what hack visionaries from 1994 try to showcase what they think the year 2041 will look like (lots of holograms & kids wearing neon and skateboarding) or when they go back to the year 1777 to the middle of a Revolutionary War battle for no other reason other than because there was probably a reenactment going on in the park by where they were filming and they decided to write it into the script. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/14/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Time Chasers

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Cast & Crew

Movie Info

Synopsis A man (Matthew Bruch) must go to different eras to stop his time-traveling technology from falling into the wrong hands.
David Giancola
Peter Beckwith, Peggy O'Neil
David Giancola
Original Language
1h 29m