Christopher McDonald
A handsome supporting actor with striking eyes, Christopher McDonald began his career in teenage screen roles, beginning with "Grease 2" (1982), and later played seemingly ordinary but sometimes sly character types. His turn as the moronic husband of Geena Davis' character in the hit road movie "Thelma & Louise" (1991) earned him the enmity of female fans and led to a deluge of inbred, stupid hayseed role offers, all of which he turned down. Born and raised on Long Island, New York, McDonald was a pre-med major before the acting bug bit during his senior year at Hobart College. His first professional engagement was in the touring company of Elizabeth Swados' musical "Nightclub Cantata." When the show reached L.A., other opportunities came his way, leading to his screen debut as one of the T-Birds in "Grease 2."