Lloyd Owen
In his leading role as casino owner Ripley Holden, in the musical-dramedy series "Viva Laughlin," (CBS, 2007) British actor Lloyd Owen was another refreshing new face in a network television lineup increasingly consisting of acting talent from overseas. Owen, of Welsh descent, was born April 14, 1966, in London. Despite growing up in a theatrical family, as a boy he was more interested in sports than in the performing arts. But after being required to take part in school plays, he was praised for his acting ability and began to focus on drama. After school, he received training at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and soon found himself plunged into the acting world as part of a touring Shakespeare Company. In television, he had his first break with "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles," (syndicated, 1992-93) playing a younger version of Professor Henry Jones Sr., the father of the famed archaeologist - a part originated by Sean Connery in the film series.