Sean Young
Initially touted as one of Hollywood's most promising starlets, actress Sean Young experienced a precipitous fall from grace within a decade of making her film debut. A former model and dancer, Young made an early splash in popular films like the Bill Murray comedy "Stripes" (1981) and the futuristic noir "Blade Runner" (1982), opposite Harrison Ford. Although not every project would yield a hit - director David Lynch's big-budget sci-fi flop "Dune" (1984) being the most notorious - high-profile movies like the Kevin Costner thriller "No Way Out" (1987) indicated a career on the rise. Things began to change with repeated rumors of personality clashes between the actress and her co-workers, including a well-reported battle with her "Wall Street" (1987) director, Oliver Stone. Rumors turned to outright scandal after James Woods, Young's co-star in the cocaine drama "The Boost" (1988), filed a lawsuit against Young, claiming she had stalked him after he rebuffed her advances. Less ominous, although equally embarrassing, was Young's ill-conceived ploy to win the role of Catwoman by dressing up as the latex-clad villain and storming the set of director Tim Burton's "Batman Returns" (1992). An unflattering role in the Jim Carrey slapstick comedy "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" (1994) marked one of Young's increasingly rare movie appearances over the decades that followed. A later career - consisting mostly of television and direct-to-DVD efforts - was less prolific than Young's widely reported stints in rehab and run-ins with the law, all of which sadly overshadowed her earlier leading lady promise.