Seth Meyers
A talented comedian and writer thoroughly grounded in improv comedy, Seth Meyers made his name on "Saturday Night Live" (NBC, 1975- ). Added to the show in 2001, Meyers had a meteoric rise behind-the-camera to become the show's co-head writer alongside Tina Fey. After her departure, he not only became the sole head writer, but also Amy Poehler's co-anchor of "Weekend Update." The newsdesk proved a perfect fit for Meyers's dry wit, and his innocent good looks and low-key, cerebral humor meshed hilariously with Poehler's more manic, go-for-broke intensity. When Poehler left the show, Meyers took over "Weekend Update" on his own, visibly relishing the high-pressure position. Credited with writing Tina Fey's immortal Sarah Palin-skewering sketches, the award-winning Meyers left his mark on American pop culture history. While his success on "SNL" proved to be quieter than many of his flashier contemporaries, Meyers earned a loyal fanbase and proved his chops both in front of and behind the camera, setting himself up for a lengthy comedy career that hit a new phase when he began hosting "Late Night with Seth Meyers" (NBC 2014- ).