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Quiet Days in Clichy

Play trailer Quiet Days in Clichy 1970 1h 40m Comedy Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 2 Reviews 38% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
A struggling writer (Paul Valjean) and his roommate (Wayne Rodda) encounter wanton women in Paris.

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Quiet Days in Clichy

Critics Reviews

View All (2) Critics Reviews
Matt Brunson Film Frenzy More of interest as a time capsule piece than for its rather unexceptional content and its drab protagonists. Rated: 2/4 Oct 23, 2022 Full Review Emanuel Levy EmanuelLevy.Com Rated: 3/5 Oct 12, 2005 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member There is some excellent and original film making here. Many parts are very faithful adaptations of the novella. However, I was a bit putt off on some of the brazenly hard core pornographic elements. It didn't help that the protagonists, Joey and Carl, are portrayed as unsympathetically sleazy men. But, perhaps it was the filmmakers intention to amplify the discomfort Miller often conjures with his writing. Worth seeing if you aren't offended by overt and sometimes brutal sexuality. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/17/23 Full Review Audience Member 0.5: I guess it makes sense that a film like this would be made in 1970. American cinema was starting to explore new areas and the whole XXX rated porn scene was taking off. It's a pretty idiotic "film" (note that I put film in quotes). There really isn't much of a story, nor is there much to keep the audience interested. The unsimulated sex is there, but based on my experience this is something poor filmmakers use to try to garner attention. The only film of quality I've seen that contained unsimulated sex is In the Realm of the Senses. Leave it to the Japanese to do it right. The sex is exploitative, the actions and dialogue of the characters ludicrous, and this whole Bohemian world very unappetizing. I think I'm done with this subgenre for a while, as there doesn't seem to be much of interest. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 02/14/23 Full Review Audience Member Having attempted to read Henry Miller and been bored, I found this beatnik surrealistic story to be much more entertaining on film from an artistic perspective. That being said, the insubstantial plot doesn't allow me to rate this any higher than I do. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/17/23 Full Review Audience Member Le moins qu'on puisse dire c'est que le titre du film n'est pas à prendre au premier degré, "Quiet days in Clichy" est une de ces curiosités qui donnent envie d'être vu sans qu'on sache vraiment. Peut-être pour se la péter parce que c'est pas connu et que c'est un peu bizarre, peut-être parce que la femme à poil sur la pochette ça intrigue, parce que c'est un film oublié à qui la récente réédition donne une autre chance à une autre génération de spectateurs (le film a 40 ans !!!!). Bah en fait, c'est un peu tout ça à la fois, en tout cas pour moi, même si je préfère me la péter sur d'autres films que celui-là lol, ça veut pas dire que c'est nul, au contraire. Véritable drôle de film, c'est avant tout l'adaptation d'un roman de Miller, deux colocataires à Clichy, en France et aussi au Luxembourg connaissent plusieurs aventures amoureuses et surtou sexuelles avec des femmes les plus différentes les unes des autres. Très intéressant narrativement, l'intrigue n'est pas forcément dévoilé à travers les dialogues, on peut les voir afficher sur l'écran ou alors racontés en chanson, et de la musique il y en a beaucoup dans ce film. Pour peu qu'on s'y abandonne, le film peut même constituer une expérience viscéral et qui se vie autant qu'il se regarde, comme le moment où l'un des deux mecs crève de faim et cherche à manger dans toute la ville, j'avais aussi faim que lui durant toute cette séquence, et pourtant j'avais mangé peu de temps auparavant ! Tout le film se passe comme s'il s'agissait d'un autre monde dans lequel on pouvait se permettre plein de choses, la caméra nous fait passer Clichy et le Luxembourg comme des lieux de vacances où les seules préoccupations sont les besoins primaires comme bouffer ou baiser. Et à propos de baiser, ce film est limite porno avec quelques pénétrations visibles et des gros plans suggestif, mais ce qui différencie ce film d'autres genre "Thriller" ou "Malabimba" c'est qu'il ne s'agit pas d'insert pornos glissé entre deux séquences d'étreintes, ce sont bien les acteurs qu'on voit faire l'amour. Curiosité, expérimental, viscéral, naïf et d'un autre temps, "Quiet days in Clichy" a plein de raison d'être découvert et redécouvert, pas sûr qu'il fasse l'unanimité, mais il n'a rien de ces trucs pseudo-intellos devant lesquels on s'ennui parce que le réalisateur se branle la nouille sans se soucier de ce que le public pense. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/07/23 Full Review Audience Member Based on the novel of the same name by Henry Miller, the story is about the sexual misadventures of Miller while living in Europe. The direction has a nice independent look to it that adds to the realism, all of the actors are amatuers so nothing really jumps off the screen at you. The soundtrack is great with an awesome opening title track by Country Joe. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/12/23 Full Review Audience Member I gave this movie three stars only because I saw it on DVD and could fast forward through the annoying parts which was pretty much most of the sex scenes which is about 60% of the movie. If you actually had to sit through it without interruption one star at most. Our two protagonists are very annoying and most of the female characters are as well although a few are interesting (but still annoying). What I liked most were the scenes of food - lots and lots of food - which is shown in shots of a dream sequence melding into reality and back again when the Henry Miller character has spent all of his money on prostitutes and doesn't have enough left to buy any food. The Barney Rosset interview on the DVD is very interesting and you might want to rent the DVD just for that. This movie was the subject of an important obscenity case so it is of interest in that sense. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/16/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Quiet Days in Clichy

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Movie Info

Synopsis A struggling writer (Paul Valjean) and his roommate (Wayne Rodda) encounter wanton women in Paris.
Jens Jørgen Thorsen
Klaus Pagh, Henrik Sandberg, Knud Thorbjørnsen, Dirch Passer
Jens Jørgen Thorsen, Henry Miller
Comedy, Drama
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Mar 11, 2014
1h 40m
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