thiago s
Filme bacana, o roteiro é bacaninha, o filme mostra o roteiro igual, ao filme da carrie de 1976, com cenas igual de um jeito diferente, como a cena que teve que matar o porco, no 1 filme teve só 2 pessoas, nesse filme teve 5 pessoas, e a cena do baile um ponte diferente com fogo no chão, pessoas sendo eletrocutadas e mortas e o ginásio uma parte sendo demolido pelo o carrie fez, e no final o carro dos 2 vilões foi destruído por tentar matar carrie atropelada, depois que carrie chega em casa, sua mãe tenta matar ela na banheira, só que carrie usa seu poder psíquico e faz o coração de sua mãe parar, e depois ela morre na banheira, mas sua amiga salva a tempo e carrie fica viva e acaba o filme, com tudo isso, eu recomendo esse filme.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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jordin p
this is a TV movie was okay I liked how they added some scenes from the novel that weren't in all the other adaptations but the ending I did not like but you do have to remember it was to set up a TV series but if you just watch it and Skip like the ending I think it's a pretty good.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Shy P
Honestly it was pretty good. Of the the original, sequel, and two remakes I think this one is my favorite. It starts off very cheesy and cliche, and has budget CGI effects but it's pretty easy to get into. You understand the characters, what's old and what's new, and you can tell they put alot of effort into this one. It's not just a one to one remake of the original, it dives more into Carrie's abilities as well showing that not everyone involved is heartless. The prom is a genuine feel good moment until the inevitable prank and there's a nice twist to the events that follow.
Definitely give it a watch if early 2000's tv vibes isn't a deal breaker for you.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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User N
I was pleasantly surprised by this adaption. While it's true that making a remake was unnecessary, remember, just like the 2013 reboot, at that time 2002 was considered modern so at the time it felt like they were making a remake that would be considered very modern for a long time. For example, Carrie learns about telekinesis on a computer. The cast are all very talented actors, with particular praise earned by Angela Bettis as Carrie and Patricia Clarkson as Margaret. Angela's acting is simply superb. Arguably better than Sissy Spacek. While the 1976 Carrie White is sheltered and doesn't understand social politics, here Carrie White is more mature and socially aware, she knows when she's being made fun of and her emotions are brought out incredibly well. In the 1976 version, Piper Laurie gave quite an over-the-top portrayal of Margaret, doing very well with the abusive parent arc and definitely doing well, Here, Margaret is still abusive and overly strict but calm and level-headed and shows some genuine love for her daughter. Piper Laurie was great, and so was Patricia Clarkson. The special effects aren't even that bad, just very obvious. This film had a very cheap production. The film is also much more faithful to the book than the 1976 version. It has a bad reputation but honestly, Carrie 2002 is not bad!
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Who thought it was a good idea to remake an absolute masterpiece, i.e., the 1976 original? Did Stephen King sign off on this? If so, for shame! And how did they get Patricia Clarkson to buy into it? Skip this one and watch the original.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
This was an awesome movie the kills were good and wow just amazing although didn’t like how a bucket can kill someone.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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