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Design for Living

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76% Tomatometer 17 Reviews 80% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
Painter George (Gary Cooper) and playwright Thomas (Fredric March) are two Americans sharing a Paris apartment. They're also rivals for the affection of commercial artist Gilda (Miriam Hopkins). When the plucky Gilda moves in, with the express understanding that there will be no funny business, the rivalry between George and Thomas heats up even further. Then Thomas heads to London when one of his plays is being produced there, leaving George free to make his move.
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Critics Reviews

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Time Out The script galumphs when it should glide. Jan 26, 2006 Full Review Dave Kehr Chicago Reader Well, maybe it is a little lumpy for Lubitsch, but I think the film more than holds its own. Feb 26, 2003 Full Review Forsyth Hardy Cinema Quarterly Design for Living is in the true Lubitsch tradition, and I think it his most satisfying sound film. Feb 3, 2021 Full Review Harold V. Cohen Pittsburgh Post-Gazette All this is handled in Mr. Lubitsch's most delightful manner. Jan 4, 2021 Full Review Shadow Stage Photoplay Plenty of excitement, excellent acting and sparkle. Oct 8, 2020 Full Review Helen Brown Norden Vanity Fair The general effect is as if they suddenly realized that they're in a Noel Coward drama, and are stymied by the thought. Jun 6, 2019 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Steve D Unless it shocks you it doesn't really work. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 12/26/23 Full Review Audience Member In this surprisingly risque film made before the Hays code, two men and a woman share an apartment in Paris and talk openly about sex. Lubitsch direction is excellent. March is wonderful as a struggling playwright. Hopkins has one of her best roles as a free loving woman who loves two men but marries a third. Cooper gives a fine comedic performance as a hot tempered artist. There's no music which could make things seem static but Lubitsch keeps it moving at a good pace. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/08/23 Full Review Audience Member Easy watching movie. Hopkins plays a character that is indecisive that is intertwined between 2 friends and her boss, all 3 of which are platonic/sexual love interest. Good scenery within Paris, glamour clothes, broken down shack apartment, and train rides Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member A naughty little pre-code Hollywood gem that seems even a bit risky looking back at it today. Miriam Hopkins falls for best friends Fredric March and Gary Cooper. She can't decide which one to pick, so she moves in with both of them. The film doesn't even try to cover up that she is sleeping with them both. Things seem okay for awhile, but pretty soon another guy comes along and she reels him in. The obvious inspiration for Gregg Araki's 1999 film "Splendor". Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/09/23 Full Review Audience Member Not too funny and not believable enough to invest in, you can still enjoy the farce these three think they're putting over on us. The dialogue is, at times, witty, which aligns with March but is a strain with Cooper. Hopkins holds it together, while Horton really isn't needed at all. Script problems abound, but the pre-code possibilities of making this into something much better than it is are endless. Worth a watch. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/16/23 Full Review Audience Member Eine oft gestellte Frage am Videotresen der Filmkunstbar Fitzcarraldo: "Heut mal was Leichtes, aber bitte nichts Blödes". Antwort: Ernst Lubitsch, das Gesamtwerk, vor allem aber seine Komödien der frühen 30er. Das ist die Phase, in der Hollywood noch nicht unter der Zensur litt und alles ging! Hier kommt das moralische Spiel mit der Unmoral! Eine Werbegrafikerin, ein Maler und ein Dramaturg (das tolle Trio Fredric March, Gary Cooper und Miriam Hopkins) gehen eine Liebe zu dritt ein. Doch auch die hats in sich und deshalb flüchtet Hopkins in eine bürgerliche Ehe. Aus der wird sie aber wiederum befreit durch die Serenade zu dritt! Niemand versteht es wie Lubitsch auf der Klaviatur der Mehrdeutugkeiten und Anspielungen zu spielen! Niemand bietet derartig geschliffene Dialoge! Niemand sprüht so über vor Ideen! Der Meister adaptierte das Bühnenstück Noel Cowards und verfilmte es in seiner gewohnt geistreichen Art. Ganz nebenbei setzt er dabei die Grundregel der romantischen Hollywood-Komödie ausser Kraft: Die der Monogamie. Normalerweise werden Treue und Vertrauen der Liebenden erprobt, um anschliessend eine Familie zu gründen. Wohl bemerkt: Lubitschs Zweifel an diesen Werten wirken dabei nie verletzend! Er belässt es bei uns, das alles zu hinterfragen, vor allem aber will er uns amüsieren. Lubitschs Dialoge wirken deshalb heute noch irritierend und man kann es sich bildlich vorstellen, wie sie erst 1933 provoziert haben mögen! Design For Living ist in Deutschland wenig bekannt. 1933 passte er natürlich nicht zur Komödienkultur des dritten Reiches und auch in den 50ern wirkte die Komödie deplaziert in der prüden Gesellschaft der Zeit. Und heute? Lubitsch ist immer noch nicht konform mit den Werten des deutschen Fernsehens! (Dazu gibts unsere Film List "Hollywoods wilde Jahre bis 1934" auf Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/30/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Design for Living

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Movie Info

Synopsis Painter George (Gary Cooper) and playwright Thomas (Fredric March) are two Americans sharing a Paris apartment. They're also rivals for the affection of commercial artist Gilda (Miriam Hopkins). When the plucky Gilda moves in, with the express understanding that there will be no funny business, the rivalry between George and Thomas heats up even further. Then Thomas heads to London when one of his plays is being produced there, leaving George free to make his move.
Ernst Lubitsch
Ernst Lubitsch
Ben Hecht
Production Co
Paramount, Warner Brothers/Seven Arts
Romance, Comedy
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Dec 29, 1933, Original
Release Date (Streaming)
Nov 4, 2016
1h 30m