Stephen L
Ender's Game is a film that starts off shaky but finds its footing as the narrative progresses. The initial half is marred by underwhelming performances and clichéd interactions, with Harrison Ford's portrayal of Colonel Graff feeling particularly unconvincing. However, the film redeems itself in the latter half, offering smart storytelling and exceptional CGI that enhance the viewing experience. Notably, Nonso Anozie and Ben Kingsley deliver compelling performances, adding depth to the narrative. While the film has its flaws, it ultimately provides an engaging sci-fi adventure.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Marco L
(CASTELLANO) 'El juego de Ender', una adaptación que tenía mucho potencial. Gavin Hood lo intentó, eso sí, pero creo que se quedó a medio camino. La película tiene sus puntos fuertes, como el ritmo que no decae y los efectos visuales, que te meten en el ambiente. Pero claro, se nota que han tenido que recortar cosas del libro, y eso le resta profundidad a la historia.
La historia de Ender, el niño prodigio que reclutan para luchar contra los aliens, está ahí. Te cuentan cómo le entrenan, cómo le manipulan, cómo la guerra afecta a los chavales. Y la esencia del libro se mantiene, pero hay momentos en los que sientes que falta algo, que se quedan en la superficie.
Lo que más me chirría es que parece que la hicieron pensando en una saga que nunca llegó. Ender está bien desarrollado, te metes en su cabeza, y la peli no se hace pesada. Pero el final va demasiado rápido, y algunas cosas importantes se quedan en el aire. Aun así, la película se deja ver, porque mezcla bien la acción con los dilemas morales de Ender y la presión que le meten.
Visualmente, cumple, pero sin maravillar. Las escenas en gravedad cero están bien, y el mundo futurista te lo crees. Pero tanto efecto digital acaba cansando. Y se echa de menos que hayan construido más el mundo, que en el libro es mucho más detallado.
Los actores están correctos, pero no te dejan huella. Asa Butterfield hace bien de Ender, y Harrison Ford le da el toque duro al coronel Graff, aunque a veces parece un poco rígido. Ben Kingsley y Hailee Steinfeld cumplen, pero sin más.
En resumen, 'El juego de Ender' es una peli de ciencia ficción entretenida, pero te deja con la sensación de que podría haber sido mucho más. Si no has leído el libro, te ofrece una aventura decente con temas interesantes. Pero si eres fan del libro, te quedas con ganas de más, como si te hubieran dado un aperitivo y te hubieran dejado con hambre.
(ENGLISH) Gavin Hood gave it a shot, but I feel like he fell short. The movie has its strong points, like a steady pace and impressive visual effects that pull you into the world. But you can tell they had to cut things from the book, which takes away some of the story’s depth.
Ender’s story—the child prodigy recruited to fight aliens—is there. You see his training, how they manipulate him, how war affects these kids. The essence of the book is intact, but at times, it feels like something is missing, like it barely scratches the surface.
What bothers me the most is that it seems like they made this movie thinking a saga would follow, but that never happened. Ender is well developed, you get inside his head, and the film doesn’t drag. But the ending feels rushed, and some important moments are left hanging. Still, the movie is engaging because it balances action with Ender’s moral dilemmas and the pressure he’s under.
Visually, it works but doesn’t amaze. The zero-gravity scenes are well done, and the futuristic world feels believable. But the overuse of digital effects gets tiring. And the world-building falls short compared to the book, which offers much more detail.
The cast does a decent job, but they don’t leave a lasting impression. Asa Butterfield plays Ender well, and Harrison Ford gives the tough-guy edge to Colonel Graff, though he comes off a bit stiff at times. Ben Kingsley and Hailee Steinfeld do their part, but nothing remarkable.
In the end, Ender’s Game is an entertaining sci-fi film, but it leaves you feeling like it could have been so much more. If you haven’t read the book, it delivers a decent adventure with interesting themes. But if you’re a fan of the novel, you’re left wanting more—like getting just a taste of something and still feeling hungry.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Joshua M
A masterpiece sci fi film very underrated!!!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Cudalbu R
Felt kinda lacking and but also needed a sequel.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Dallin B
This movie gets undue hate. I loved it. Prompted me to read the books. I've been a fan for years now. I highly recommend it.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Julian Rex M
There is a case to be made for its surprisingly substantial third act, but as a whole, Ender's Game is nothing more than a formulaic YA dystopia yarn that suffers from comically thin characters, derivative visuals, and an upsetting reliance on queasy zoom shots.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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