The Mary Kay Letourneau Story: All-American Girl
Where to Watch
The Mary Kay Letourneau Story: All-American Girl
Rent The Mary Kay Letourneau Story: All-American Girl on Fandango at Home, or buy it on Fandango at Home.
My Rating
Cast & Crew
Lloyd Kramer
Penelope Ann Miller
Mary Kay Letourneau
Omar Anguiano
Vili Fualaau
Mercedes Ruehl
Jane Newhall
Rena Owen
Soona Fualaau
Greg Spottiswood
Steve Letourneau
The Mary Kay Letourneau Story: All-American Girl
Movie Info
Director -
Lloyd Kramer -
Producer -
J. Miles Dale -
Screenwriter -
Julie Hebert -
Production Co -
Grosso Jacobson -
Rating -
TV-14 (S|L|D|V) -
Genre -
Drama -
Original Language -
English -
Release Date (Streaming) -
Nov 19, 2020 -
Runtime -
1h 37m