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The Black Pimpernel

Play trailer Poster for The Black Pimpernel R 2007 1h 35m Drama Romance Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 0 Reviews 42% Popcornmeter 250+ Ratings
During the Argentinean military coup of 1973, the Swedish ambassador protected innocents from death.

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The Black Pimpernel

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Audience Member The Black Pimpernel is a story that most certainly deserves to be told. It's the true story of the Swedish ambassador in Chile during the 1973 military coup. When the military overthrow the government this man, Harald Eldestam, puts his life on the line and uses every resource at his disposal to save the lives of Chileans by housing them in the Swedish embassy and getting them to Sweden. He was an incredible man, comparable to Oscar Schindler in his selfless and tenacious efforts towards humanity. I dare say he was a braver man than Schindler having fought for the lives of people by confronting their captors face to face. What I found dissapointing was that the film is spoken in English. This is a Swedish film, about a Swedish man. Perhaps he spoke English while in Chile but I can't see why he would have? And on the odd occasion when Spanish was spoken, they weren't subtitled. Fortunately these were only brief scenes and so the plot wasn't greatly affected. Michael Nvqvist (the Millennium trilogy) is solid in the leading role and the film looks great. 90 minutes is a short running time for an important story like this and I would like to have seen it stretched out a little more... curiously this is the first film I can recall seeing with Amnesty International's stamp of approval. It's literally stamped at the end of the film along with a 5 minute interview with the real Harald Eldestam. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/22/23 Full Review Audience Member Good story, bad movie Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/01/23 Full Review Audience Member Ruotsin oma Oskar Schindler.. Nii, onhan tämä ihan hyvä historia oopus ja ruotsalaisuuden itsentunnon kohottaja ja niin myös pohjoismaidenkin, kun lopussa itse Harald Edelstam kertoo saaneensa ainoastaan suomalaiselta kolleegaltaan apua. Todellakin tositapahtumiin perustuva tarina, mutta valitettavasti ehkä hiukan tylsästi kerrottu.. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/22/23 Full Review Audience Member La escena de "amor" con Kate del Castillo fue completamene innecesaria en esta historia tan interesante de la vida del Diplomático sueco y de la historia chilena... y me parece que hay suficientes actrices chilenas que podían haber interpretado mejor ese papel sin necesidad de usar un acento tan forzado. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/02/23 Full Review Audience Member Måste ses. Ovanligt bra svensk film, byggd på sann historia inspelad på plats, lyfter fram världens mest underskattade svensk Harald Edelstam, ambassadör i Chile under kuppen -73. Välgjord och angelägen, Michael Nyqvist är fullträff. Kärleksscenerna kändes kanske lite pinsamma, det är ju inte James Bond, men å andra sidan varför inte? Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Audience Member Esta mirada "extranjera" sobre la dictadura se puede observar como una especie de "Lista de Schindler" con La Moneda de fondo. Tiene un tono a veces excesivamente melodramatico, un infaltable hilo romantico que mas que nada ensucia el todo y una calidad de produccion que no pasa de lo que seria una pelicula para television. Ni hablar de algunos latinos intentando con todos sus esfuerzos para hablar como "chilenos". Pese a todo, hay un uso de locaciones reales muy bien aprovechado, consiguiendo escenas impactantes y que permiten elevarla. Un esfuerzo que no deja de ser interesante, una historia muy atractiva, pero que se tropieza con su puesta en escena. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/23/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Black Pimpernel

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Movie Info

Synopsis During the Argentinean military coup of 1973, the Swedish ambassador protected innocents from death.
Asa Faringer, Ulf Hultberg
Michael Lunderskov
Bob Foss
Production Co
Original Film, Mandala Films
R (A Scene of Violence)
Drama, Romance, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Apr 30, 2017
1h 35m
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