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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Released Mar 19, 1921 1h 9m Horror Fantasy Mystery & Thriller List
96% Tomatometer 82 Reviews 89% Popcornmeter 25,000+ Ratings
At a carnival in Germany, Francis (Friedrich Feher) and his friend Alan (Rudolf Lettinger) encounter the crazed Dr. Caligari (Werner Krauss). The men see Caligari showing off his somnambulist, Cesare (Conrad Veidt), a hypnotized man who the doctor claims can see into the future. Shockingly, Cesare then predicts Alan's death, and by morning his chilling prophecy has come true -- making Cesare the prime suspect. However, is Cesare guilty, or is the doctor controlling him?
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The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

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Critics Consensus

Arguably the first true horror film, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari set a brilliantly high bar for the genre -- and remains terrifying nearly a century after it first stalked the screen.

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Edwin Schallert Los Angeles Times I recommend heartily this somewhat daring Teutonic dive into the troubled waters of ellipsoids, parabaloids, conic sections, and chiarscura, the terminology of which is quite sufficient to indicate that the bars are up to the normal mind. Oct 3, 2022 Full Review Marjorie C. Driscoll San Francisco Chronicle [A viewer who is] sensitive to the impression value of blurs of shadow and sharp white lights of masses and lines that possess a psychic individuality of the enveloping atmosphere created by the mounting of the scenes will find his perceptions stimulated. Oct 3, 2022 Full Review Mae Tinee Chicago Tribune The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is undeniably clever. It is most artistically acted. The lightning is a marvel of spookiness. And if you are looking for something different, well -- it is certainly different with a vengeance. Oct 3, 2022 Full Review Dennis Harvey 48 Hills [It] revolutionized the medium with its Expressionistic techniques externalizing the nightmarish delusions of a mental patient... Dec 8, 2023 Full Review Sean Fallon Film Inquiry It’s fun, spooky, and one of the most beautifully designed movies ever made. Jun 17, 2023 Full Review Robert Martin Starburst The film, made entirely within a studio, has such striking sets that they linger in the mind more than almost anything else, with jagged angles, harsh shadows and intense lines representing the way the characters, and the filmmakers, see the world. Rated: 4/5 Nov 15, 2022 Full Review Read all reviews

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Elvis D El director alemán Robert Wiene ha realizado una película que dejaría una gran marca en el mundo del cine y que se ha ganado muchos títulos: la primera película de horror auténtica, el primer thriller, la primera película de culto, la primera película del cine de arte, la primera película de horror psicológico o thriller psicológico, la primera película de zombis, etc. El título más grande que Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari se ha ganado es sin duda ser la primera película del expresionismo alemán por ser considerada una excelente obra de dicho arte. Es una película que ha hecho que figuras como Frederick Murnau o Fritz Lang impulsaran el expresionismo en el cine alemán. Además, esta película terminaría siendo una fuerte inspiración para el cine de terror, el cine gótico y el cine neo-noir. Sin olvidar mencionar que inspiraría a figuras como Orson Welles, Alfred Hitchcock, Nicolas Cage y Rob Zombie. La película es una obra de arte por su estética visual que muestra una realidad completamente deformada que va de acuerdo al ambiente y la perspectiva psicológica de quien narra la historia. Se trata de algo realmente único con un concepto que muy difícilmente ha podido ser replicado en otras películas. La banda sonora va variando debido a que la película ha tenido distintas varias sonoras según las regiones en que se estrenó, pero la mayoría logran cuadrar con el ambiente de la película. Al principio se trata de un thriller sobrenatural, pero eso cambia a un thriller psicológico cuando se trata de explicar quién es Caligari. Lo que remata bastante no es el giro argumental sobre la identidad de Caligari, la película ofrece dos giros argumentales. El segundo se vuelve muy inesperado por derrumbar lo que ya se tenía claro sobre la trama y llega a un punto en que no se sabe nada de lo contado sucedió realmente o fue una versión deformada de los acontecimientos. La película termina dejando cuestiones que quedan bajo la libre interpretación del espectador y además deja en claro porque la psicología se vuelve algo fundamental. El segundo desenlace sugiere que la realidad deformada que esta película muestra es un factor psicológico. La psicología termina jugando bastante con lo que esta película nos muestra y deja la incógnita de sí lo que narra es una realidad con hechos distorsionados o una fantasía inventada por un demente. Eso hace que Das Cabinet Des Dr. Caligari sea una pesadilla surrealista llena de misterio y una gran obra de arte que cualquier amante del cine o del arte tiene la obligación de ver. Mi calificación final para esta película es un 10/10. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 04/05/24 Full Review Sachin E This film is so cursed that none of the original cast or crew remain alive today. Imagine that. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 01/26/24 Full Review Jon A I liked the entire thing... except the end. It ends so weirdly abruptly. Like... "i can cure him!" then it ends. Strange. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 12/05/23 Full Review Monsol E This movie's style is absolutely gorgeous! The sets were amazing, the costumes and makeup were really good too...I feel like Tim Burton based his entire personality off of this movie. The story is basic, but the setup of a "mad carney and his pet homicidal sleepwalker" is really fun! And for the time I'm sure this was super creative...I know I've never encountered the term "Somnambulist" maybe it still is? The movie flowed really well, even if a few scenes were a bit pointlessly long. Everything was shot, and acted wonderfully...Essentially everything about this movie was either good, or REALLY good...except maybe the ending... *SPOILER WARNING* I dumb? Was all that happened, in all it's intricacy, just the ramblings of a insane mental patient?...that was the payoff? I see there's a ludicrous amount of discussion about the film and it's themes...but I don't have months to sift thru all that...the quickest I see is that it's themed around the abuse of authority...ehh...I see the parallels between Caligari and his thrall, to the doctor and his patients... ...Maybe I DO get it? Honestly, you should watch it and figure it out yourself. It's not long, and it's very entertaining, if a bit perplexing. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 10/14/23 Full Review Madie R An argument could be made that "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" is the movie that started the horror film genre. I mean growing up with movies with sound and colour it took a bit of extra focus to watch the movie because it's silent and you had to read the title cards. The story is so simple but so clever. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 10/04/23 Full Review Jay A While this film's scares have not aged well to match modern audiences, the absolutely stunning visuals make this movie a must see for anyone interested in cinema. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 09/20/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

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Cast & Crew

Movie Info

Synopsis At a carnival in Germany, Francis (Friedrich Feher) and his friend Alan (Rudolf Lettinger) encounter the crazed Dr. Caligari (Werner Krauss). The men see Caligari showing off his somnambulist, Cesare (Conrad Veidt), a hypnotized man who the doctor claims can see into the future. Shockingly, Cesare then predicts Alan's death, and by morning his chilling prophecy has come true -- making Cesare the prime suspect. However, is Cesare guilty, or is the doctor controlling him?
Robert Wiene
Rudolf Meinert, Erich Pommer
Hans Janowitz, Carl Mayer
Grapevine Video, Kino Video
Production Co
Decla-Bioscop AG
Horror, Fantasy, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Mar 19, 1921, Wide
Release Date (Streaming)
Mar 22, 2016
1h 9m
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