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Play trailer Well 2016 1h 35m Horror Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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After their van breaks down, four women become stranded at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, and soon realize they've fallen into a deadly trap.
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nick s Also called Kut; Primal. Very nicely shot and even though the language is foreign the acting looked rather good. Where this falls down is that nothing of consequence happens in the first hour and it's hard to know where things are headed. Very easy to get bored by the lack of tension and stakes, even though there is a flicker of a story brewing. If you can get past that there is a flurry of violence in the final stanza, and everything is explained to the audience. Quite unpredictable, I'll give it that. And I like the immersive pace but it really needs more tension. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 12/25/24 Full Review Lorenzo P Stunning, unique movie. It's like a theatre piece, with unpredictable bursts of Tarantino-like action and a eastern Europe "far west" setting. Complex plot, a lot of stuff goes unnoticed on a first watch, the movie may not be "easy" but it is very rewarding experience. An example of what to do with a low budget and a superb crew (actors, photography...). The only stain: awful dubbing (at least in Italian). Watch it in Hungarian. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/26/24 Full Review Alexberti Z Really different, original film making. Loved it. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/19/24 Full Review Andrea C Coraggioso progetto ungherese tutto svolto in una stazione di servizio degradata nel bel mezzo di un deserto non meglio specificato. La sceneggiatura è abbastanza originale e tutto sommato gradevole, i dialoghi restano per lo più interessanti nonostante la loro lentezza e la presenza troppo centrale del racconto sul cane, che comunque addolcisce il finale. Senza dubbio, l'originalità resta il punto migliore, così come la "normalità" delle sequenze di azione in cui finalmente non ci vedono i soliti soldati indistruttibili ma bensì un gruppo di uomini spaventati e piuttosto incapaci. Gli attori sono veramente scarsi ma vista la provenienza era dura aspettarsi qualcosa di diverso. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 12/18/23 Full Review Read all reviews

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Movie Info

Synopsis After their van breaks down, four women become stranded at a gas station in the middle of nowhere, and soon realize they've fallen into a deadly trap.
Attila Gigor
Ferenc Pusztai
Production Co
KMH Film
Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
1h 35m
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