Lori Greiner
Lori Greiner was living proof that entrepreneurial success depended not simply on business acumen and financial smarts, but a creative streak as well. Greiner turned her knack for writing and jewelry design into professional grandeur. In the process, she earned a spot on the reality series "Shark Tank" (Fox 2009-), as well as great notability throughout the industrial and creative worlds. Lori Greiner was born on December 9, 1969 in Chicago, Illinois. She studied communications at Loyola University Chicago, all the while writing for the Chicago Tribune and creating and selling her own jewelry. Greiner's interest in accessories led to one of her first major business ventures: the patenting of an earring organizer box. The success of this endeavor led to further creative endeavors for Greiner, including the foundation of the Chicago-based company For Your Ease Only and a relationship with the QVC network. In 2012, Greiner became a cohost of the reality television series "Shark Tank" (Fox 2009-). Two years later, she published the book Invent It, Sell It, Bank It!: Make Your Million-Dollar Idea Into a Reality.