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Chico & Rita

Play trailer Poster for Chico & Rita Released Feb 10, 2012 1h 33m Drama Romance Musical Animation Play Trailer Watchlist
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88% Tomatometer 72 Reviews 77% Popcornmeter 5,000+ Ratings
A Cuban pianist becomes smitten with a sultry singer, leading to a passionate but star-crossed romance that reaches across six decades.
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Chico & Rita

Chico & Rita

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Critics Consensus

Aimed at adults and animated with zest, Chico & Rita is a romantic delight packed with cultural detail and flavor.

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Critics Reviews

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Candice Frederick Reel Talk Online It's been too long since we've seen a film so luscious that it practically whisks you away to another time, another place. The animated film (and Oscar nominee for best animated feature), Chico & Rita does just that. Sep 8, 2017 Full Review Joe Williams St. Louis Post-Dispatch When a place and its people are this stylish, we can't help but be drawn to them. Rated: 3.5/4 Apr 6, 2012 Full Review John Anderson Newsday "Chico & Rita" is that rare thing, a cartoon for adults, with a bittersweet take on love and fate and a romantic's view of the night. Rated: 3.5/4 Mar 16, 2012 Full Review Diana Tuova Spotlight on Film Paying tribute to Afro-Cuban jazz and imbued with the nostalgia for the past, this animation is as much about trials of love as it is about the passion for music. Rated: 3.5/5 Aug 4, 2024 Full Review Allen Almachar The MacGuffin It's refreshing to see an animated film that isn't striving to appease only children or for a merchandising deal. Rated: A Aug 3, 2020 Full Review Kelly Jane Torrance Washington Examiner The lost world it conjures is so winning that many viewers will find it easy to forget the film's flaws. Rated: 2.5/4 Jan 4, 2019 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Jay W "Chico & Rita" is a unique animated film. Of the films nominated for the "Best Animated Feature" Oscar it is the first one from Spain, it is almost entirely in Spanish and it is not made for kids. I understand that in Europe a topless woman is not as risqué as it is in the U. S., but here this film would definitely receive an "R- Rating". The animation style also makes it stand out from the rest. It is done in a simplified rotoscope format. It is like they are tracing over live action actors for reference, but they aren't drawing every single line. It is distinct, but it isn't always that pretty. There are times where the film reminds me of an internet point and click game. Most times it doesn't seem like the characters are not interacting with the material around them. They just kind of hover over piano keys, radio dials and sponges. The movement feels very stiff, as they move lines cut in and out making the animation more of a distraction than an aid. There is a car crash that they show in slow motion, and it highlights some of the animation's short comings. The story follows too many of the same old romantic comedy tropes. First, they will both be in love. Then one will be in love and the other angry. Then the one will have moved on and the other will be in love. Keep repeating the formula, having the two never quite get on the same page, then once they're on the same page, fate will intervein and stop things from working out. And they are all very contrived ways of keeping the relationship drama going. Stuff like mishearing conversations, coming to rash assumptions and not communicating are all the things that lead to riffs between these two. By the time the third act came around, I was not rooting for these two to get together. I was more confident that it was lust between these two opposed to anything close to true love. For a movie that is so focused on music, the music isn't all that good. It is nothing that you will be humming along to later. And I speak Spanish, so it isn't a matter of not understanding the lyrics. I guess I'm just not a fan of that era of Jazz music. But a film like "Vivo" was able to make a great variety of jazz music that I really enjoyed. The animation was distinct but not pretty. The romance was cliched and I was not rooting for the couple's success. The music wasn't memorable. But to its positive, it is unique, outside of the romance there are some cool story beats and the I do enjoy the ending. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 12/01/24 Full Review Camero W This movie was beautifully made and had a great message. The ending had my on the ground. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 11/22/24 Full Review Devin R Creí que esta película fuera bien hecha. La depicción de la música de Afrocubano que fue mostrada por los personajes de Chico y Rita no podría haber sido mejor. Es muy difícil superar una película en que amor, cultura, y música manejaron el argumento en la historia. Los espectadores siempre estarán en el borde de sus asientos. Cuando estaba mirando la película, siempre estaba invertido en el movimiento próximo de Chico. Mientras la película es animada, incluye muchas escenas de sexo. Así, se recomienda discreción del espectador. Me encantó que mostrara cómo era la vida como una persona de color. Discriminación y disigualdad fueron los partes grandes durante el tiempo. Este es como se debe hacer una película sobre la historia. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 05/08/23 Full Review Adrien B La película animada Chico y Rita fue maravillosa. Usualmente, no miro películas animadas, pero esta fue divertida, interesante y abordó temas profundos. Ver a Chico y a Rita, los personajes principales, enfrentar el racismo en Cuba es llamativo y muestra los problemas de la sociedad en esta época, problemas que son tan reales ahora. Unos de mis momentos favoritos fue cuando Chico regresa a los Estados Unidos y va a ver la lápida de Ramon, que es la persona que lo incrimino. Obviamente, Chico no le sabe, pero creo que es una escena muy interesante para describir la amistad, y la gente en general. Algunas veces, crees que conoces a alguien y termina siendo una persona completamente diferente. El director de la película es bueno para expresar temas difíciles de una manera alegre, en una película que se vi fácilmente. Para concluir, recomiendo esta película a todos, porque gente de todas edades apreciarán diferentes partes de la película. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 05/08/23 Full Review isla s I very much enjoyed the latin music played in this film, both in the background and during live performances depicted on screen. This is more a music film than anything else, although it is clearly an animated film as well. I quite liked the old fashioned style of animation featured too - there is a certain nostalgic sense to it. The plot is a bit cliched I suppose but its a pretty easy watch and I found it pretty entertaining regardless, with enjoyable music and animation, as I say and so on that basis, I would recommend it, yes. Oh and perhaps its worth pointing out that it is a slightly more adult animation, in that there are sex scenes depicted, so its not suitable for viewing by particularly young audiences. The dialogue is mostly in Spanish, so its a world cinema film - that may or may not put you off (there were subtitles on the Blu-Ray disk I viewed). Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member ¡La película Chico y Rita es buenísima! ¡Cien de Cien! Si no mirara otra película excepto por esta, moriría feliz. Esperaba estar entretenido y no estaba decepcionado. Si puedo, miraría esta película solamente. Si puedo, yo haría que todos mis amigos la miren. La película trata sobre la vida y el amor entre dos personas, Chico y Rita. Los dos nacieron en Cuba y son músicas. Si tuviera la oportunidad en mi juventud, tocaría un instrumento también. Ellos viajan a los Estados Unidos para continuar sus trabajos musicales y se separan. Chico es deportada y la carrera de Rita termina cuando ella habla sobre el racismo de los Estado Unidos. Si perdiera mi trabajo por esta razón, no se que yo haría. Finalmente, ellos se reúnen. ¡Que romántico! Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/19/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Chico & Rita

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Movie Info

Synopsis A Cuban pianist becomes smitten with a sultry singer, leading to a passionate but star-crossed romance that reaches across six decades.
Fernando Trueba, Javier Mariscal, Tono Errando
Cristina Huete, Santi Errando, Martin Pope
Fernando Trueba, Ignacio Martinez de Pison
Production Co
Isle of Man Film, CinemaNX
Drama, Romance, Musical, Animation
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Feb 10, 2012, Limited
Release Date (Streaming)
Oct 20, 2016
Box Office (Gross USA)
1h 33m
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