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Getting Any?

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A man's (Dankan) desperate attempt to have sex includes buying a car, robbing a bank and becoming a movie star.

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camille l On ne saura jamais le pourquoi du comment Kitano a réalisé ce Getting Any. Toujours est-il que nous sommes en présence d'un film qui démarre par un type qui achète une voiture pour séduire une fille et qui finit en mi-homme mi-mouche à merde, piégé par le gouvernement qui lui envoie une immense crotte de chien comme appât. Getting Any est un délire complet, une suite de sketches qui ne font aucun sens et qui ont souvent une chute scatologique ou juste grossière, orchestrée par un Kitano Takeshi qui parvient à rendre son film réussi, grâce à une gestion du rythme et de la mise en scène absolument fantastique. Sur le papier, Getting Any ne vaut pas mieux qu'un American Pie 3. Mais à l'écran, le film est passionnant, débile, interprété par le génial Dankan (et le grand compère de Kitano, Terajima Susumu) et surtout extrêmement original, à défaut de faire mouche à chaque fois. Getting Any est clairement pour les plus téméraires d'entre nous et on y trouvera de quoi se satisfaire. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Before directing Takeshi Kitano was well known in Japan as one half of the incredibly popular stand up comedy duo 'The Two Beats'. Upon the disbanding of the duo Kitano moved on to more serious filmic ventures, creating a range of dark, nihilistic yakuza films between the years of 1989 and 1993. In 1995, however, following his suicide attempt Kitano returned to his "beat" roots, and released the slapstick comedy 'Getting Any?'. Received incredibly well in it's home country 'Getting Any' was the biggest success of Kitano's first 5 features. The plot follows Dankan, a social loser obsessed with the idea that if he is to have sex he must first own a car, as no woman can resist a man with a car. The narrative is incredibly episodic, with Dankan jumping from one ridiculous situation to another; in this sense the film feels like a feature length sketch show, with some of the jokes landing and others not. As the film continues it moves more and more into the realm of stupidity, leaving any semblance of character development and believability far behind. Dankan becomes an actor, a hit-man and half fly over the over-long 100 minute running time and, although never completely boring the film begins to feel tiresome as it nears its finale. Overall 'Getting Any?' is the weakest I've seen Kitano and puts an end to the director's spree of touching, brilliant cinema (which thankfully later returns). I'd only recommend this if you're a big Kitano fan. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member WTF Japan strikes again. Many of the jokes already seen in cartoons. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/19/23 Full Review Audience Member Hrpa slabo povezanih skeceva od kojih je vecina bas glupa. Znam da sam u zivotu gledao i glupljih filmova, ali ovog trena ih se ne mogu sjetiti. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 01/15/23 Full Review Audience Member Loved this fucking movie, it actually made me laugh dozens of times -- awesome Takeshi, I'm glad I tracked this fucker down. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/24/23 Full Review Audience Member Japan's answer to Monty Python, albeit weirder. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/05/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Getting Any?

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Movie Info

Synopsis A man's (Dankan) desperate attempt to have sex includes buying a car, robbing a bank and becoming a movie star.
Takeshi Kitano
Masayuki Mori, Hisao Nabeshima, Yasushi Tsuge, Takio Yoshida
Takeshi Kitano
Original Language
Release Date (DVD)
Nov 19, 2002
1h 16m