Jeff M
I'm so desperate to recommend decent family movies that I sometimes bend over backwards to forgive the flaws and overlook the shortcomings. This is a movie impossible to dislike - it's got inspirational subject matter, appealing characters and generally agreeable performances (with the exception of possibly the worst-acted movie bully in recent movie history). By the same token, it is also quite bland, totally predictable and nothing memorable from a filmmaking perspective. I'm not saying every movie has to have Scorsese camera angles and Tarantino dialogue, But, come on, just one moment of something original or exciting that makes us sit up and take notice. I can't in good faith recommend this - but if you're looking for a family film you can enjoy with the kids and the grandparents, you could do worse. For me, however, this isn't cinema - it's a Sunday night presentation for the church youth group.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Good motivational story
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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While the movie is well intending, the script and acting is so so bad that it is almost impossible to not laugh at this film.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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A bit of a hidden gem this one. Low budget, unknown actors, but yet a powerful storyline that propels this into being a very credible soectacle. Limited by his lack of vision, a young boy sets his sights, or rather mind, on perusing his dream of being part of the schools cross country team. With the help of his dad's job, persuasive powers, and shared belief that his boys impairment should not be a limitation in achieving his goals, he concocts a way to get him running with the other boys. Against all odds, he convinces the school drop-out to run with his son, to act as a pacemaker / guide, thus ensuring that he himself will not be sent to a detention centre. With the two boys being opposite ends of the social status, they have nothing in common, yet their shared interest in running soon unites them once they begin to realise how good and in sync they both are. As the other team members feel threatened by their unlikely uprising, the lads face a battle both in the race, and outside of it, as their disability and close bond becomes the subject of bullying. Like all good movies with sensitive matters as its focus, this is all bout championing ones disability and overcoming opposition from others. It's an unlikely story, and somewhat emotional in parts, both through the eyes of the blind boy and his partner, who is continually urged back into a life of crime from his fellow gang members. There are so many different viewpoints that the audience could relate to on this, whether it be with one of the main stars, one of the parents, or relatives, a teacher, or even an innocent on-looker at the school. It definitely gets one thinking and has a very uplifting conclusion to it. Putting it into context and contemplating whether this type of partnership could really develop in the real world is another matter for discussion, but this tale would certainly give hope that it can, and would go somewhat into inspiring belief into many individuals. A deep movie, with an even deeper meaning, 'If I Had Wings' soars high above the rest and is definitely worth a watch.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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A nice message but poorly executed. It seems very much like an after school special or a Hallmark movie. So incredibly cheesy and predictable.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
I love this movie and I'm 10.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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