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The Professor

Play trailer The Professor 1972 1h 45m Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 0 Reviews 73% Popcornmeter 250+ Ratings
Seeking refuge from his tortuous thoughts and his suicidal girlfriend (Léa Massari), a substitute high-school teacher (Alain Delon) falls in love with a student (Sonia Petrovna).

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Rare T Feels like cinema was made to prospectively be like this. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 09/10/24 Full Review walter m In "The Professor," Daniele Dominici(Alain Delon) and his wife Monica(Lea Massari) land in Remini, more or less on their feet. For him that involves teaching high school and finding a card game, led by Spider(Giancarlo Giannini). But on his first day at work, Daniele gets into trouble by going across the street to get a newspaper during class. On the plus side, he makes a connection with Vanina(Sonia Petrovna), one of his students. "The Professor" is a downbeat and thoughtful examination of two people who in different ways are haunted by their collective pasts and classic literature. In this way, the movie carefully and deliberately dispenses with the characters' histories while making neat use of the various settings. At the same time, the scenes involving Alain Delon and Giancarlo Giannini resonate with their excellent chemistry together. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Je ne connais pas de plus bel exemple de viscontisme decale. "Le Professeur" est un film poisseux, maladif voire mortifere. Delon en depressif romantique perdu et eperdu est tres bon. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/05/23 Full Review Audience Member Mi ci sono imbattuto per caso, e non ho resistito alla curiosita'. Per me Alain Delon fino a oggi era un residuato bellico che "comparsava" raramente in qualche trasmissione televisiva riimbalsamato per l'occasione, con questa pelle un po' butterata e cadente, con una nomea e quel fare da figo che a vederlo per la prima volta diresti che potrebbe essere bello solo per qualche signorina ottantenne. Eppure senza saperlo nel film l'ho riconosciuto subito. Primo elogio va a questi film un po' crudi degli anni 70, sempre un po' molesti, un po' "morbide" e con delle sceneggiature da dramma teatrale quotidianizzato che hanno un fascino particolare. Lui non recita male, quell'aria da tenebroso che ora risulta ridicola, era meno accentuata e piu' consona ai tempi. E soprattutto era in un film, non si puo' recitare 24 ore su 24... Il film sostiene bene la tensione drammatica in tutto il suo corso e soprattutti i personaggi allora venivano disegnati sporchi, con tratto marcato. Rispetto al cinema attuale, invece che vedere un film sembra di seguire un fumetto "squalo" di allora, e chi davvero non e' mai stato colto da questa impura curiosita'? Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/04/23 Full Review Audience Member the "poet of melancholy's" probably most melancholic and beautiful film. unmissable!!!! Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/22/23 Full Review Audience Member This is one of the best dramatic movies monsieur Delon ever made in his career. It is poetic, melancholic, and beautifully photographed. Delon was in a role that is not his stereotype. I won't reveal the plot, you've got to see it yourself, and hopefully be able to appreciate the beauty of the story and Delon's performance. Myself, I've seen it close to 50 times. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/26/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Professor

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Movie Info

Synopsis Seeking refuge from his tortuous thoughts and his suicidal girlfriend (Léa Massari), a substitute high-school teacher (Alain Delon) falls in love with a student (Sonia Petrovna).
Valerio Zurlini
Fernando Pérez, Valerio Zurlini, Enrico Medioli
Production Co
Valoria Films, Mondial Televisione Film, Adel Productions
Original Language
Canadian French
1h 45m