Lie with Me
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Lie with Me
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Cast & Crew
Olivier Peyon
Guillaume de Tonquedec
Stéphane Belcourt
Victor Belmondo
Lucas Andrieu
Guilaine Londez
Gaëlle Flamand
Julien De Saint-Jean
Thomas Andrieu
Pierre-Alain Chapuis
Monsieur Dejean
Lie with Me
Movie Info
Director -
Olivier Peyon -
Producer -
Anthony Doncque , Miléna Poylo , Gilles Sacuto -
Screenwriter -
Arthur Cahn , Olivier Peyon , Vincent Poymiro , Cecilia Rouaud -
Production Co -
TS Productions -
Genre -
Drama , Romance , LGBTQ+ -
Original Language -
French -
Runtime -
1h 38m