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Carlos T Filme: MOISÉS Assistido: 2-9-23 Elenco: Bem Kingsley, David Suchet Modelo: #historiabiblica #Biblia #drama Duração: 3h Ano: 1995 Minha opinião: Assistir aos filmes Biblicos são muito bons e recomendo a todos assistirem. Pois oque lemos na Biblia auxilia a nos termos uma visão bem mais clara. Temos aqui Bem Kingsley, David Suchet, Frank Langelia, Sonia Braga. Sim Sonia faz o papel de esposa de Moises. Vendo este filme pude perceber que Moises foi aquele que teve mais intimidade com Deus. De conversar com ele, perguntar e ter a resposta. Quantos não desejariam tal intimidade com Pai. Um filme de 3 horas mas que conta toda a trajetória de Moises, desde o nascimento, sendo príncipe, fuga, chamado, retorno, 10 pragas, a abertura do mar Vermelho, Tabuá da Lei, Rebelião. A Nova Tabua da Lei, Maná, a Nuvem, o Fogo, as vestes que não envelheciam, a Terra que Emana Leite e Mel, 40 anos no deserto, até o momento que Moises fere a pedra, vê a Terra Prometida e é arrebatado. Uma boa atuação dos atores. Roteiro e enredo seguem a historia da Biblia. Vale apena assistir? Com certeza Nota: 8 Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/02/24 Full Review Audience Member I've always been a fan of the story of Exodus. This was no different. I was dissapointed the directors didn't put the whole story of God in this film. The scripture says that God lead the Hebrews with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. I didn't see any pillar and when the promise land is finally taken there is a battle where Joshua and Arron hold up Moses' arms for hours to get their victory from God and his favor. That part was ommitted, too. There were other things missing and things added that kept me from rating higher than a 4 star rating. Over all good movie making, though! Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Audience Member Watched this with Tina Last Night and It Was Very Good! Check It Out On YouTube its Free! Ben Kingsly plays the Part Of Moses. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/18/23 Full Review Audience Member OUT OF THE WHOLE BIBLE COLLECTION SERIES, THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVS ALONG WITH DAVID AND ABRAHAM Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/06/23 Full Review Audience Member Nice movie, close to the Biblical narration. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/31/23 Full Review Audience Member I remember watching this way back in the day on TNT. Looking back, Langella was a great Ramses. Other than that, it was really drawn out and boring in the second half. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Read all reviews

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Roger Young