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Loving You

Play trailer Poster for Loving You Released Jun 1, 1995 1h 24m Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 2 Reviews 28% Popcornmeter 50+ Ratings
A Hong Kong detective (Ching Wan Lau) has a change of heart after taking a bullet in the head.

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Loving You

Critics Reviews

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Grant Watson Fiction Machine It wants to be a gripping police thriller and a tragic melodrama at the same time, and ultimately fails to convince as either. Rated: 5/10 Oct 3, 2020 Full Review Panos Kotzathanasis Asian Movie Pulse Not a bad film and at 84 minutes is quite easy to watch. However, it is also uneven, to the point that it seems that To was not sure what he wanted to do with it, thus resulting in a somewhat faulty effort, despite that the action scenes compensate. Sep 27, 2020 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member Um drama bem bonitinho, com alguma dose de ação, embalada por uma trilha sonora maravilhosa, assistindo a dois filmes de Ching Wan Lau alternadamente, e me perdendo neles, esse relativamente melhor, porque amo romances açucarados, apesar do protagonista ser antagonista cuzão… Ele sabendo que a perdeu, e tentando recuperá-la, foi imensamente fofo, não péra, tirando a parte agressiva… Mas muito fofinho, previsível e delicado… Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/12/23 Full Review camille l Pour son premier réel film en tant que réalisateur (selon lui en tout cas), Johnnie To livre un film qui ressemble beaucoup plus à ce qu'on connaît de lui que les précédents. Le protagoniste principal est un sale type frappé par une infirmité, l'enquête policière est particulièrement violente et l'esprit beaucoup plus proche de Michael Mann que de John Woo. Or, Loving You est aussi un mélodrame sur un couple marié en crise qui réapprend à vivre ensemble. C'est la plus grande faiblesse de ce film, ce mariage entre deux genres qui n'a pas vraiment le temps de s'installer vu la faible durée du métrage. Cependant, cette tentative n'est pas sans charme et pour une fois chez To, le troisième acte est plutôt positif. Loving You est un joli coup d'essai qui annonce le meilleur pour la suite. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Looks promising in the beginning. And also the combination of Johnnie To and Lau Ching Wan. The opening, Lau is leading his team to seize a drug dealer Tuo Zhong Hua. He ask the female cop to strip. He saw a part of the wire from her skirt waist, pulls it out and kills her and another cop. Lau give chase and at the roof, both struggle and fell down. Tou manage to escape. Carman Lee is Lau's wife and both are on bad terms. She tries to meet him but in vain. The next day they met, she told him she is pregnant and the father is not him. He is furious and went to the bar. The waitress invite him for supper, but its a trap. Tou shoots at him and at the back alley, he shot Lau right between the forehead but amazingly he tussle with him and cuff him. Lau recovers but lose his sense of smell and taste. Carman take care of him and delay the proposal of the new boyfriend. His report is that he is to collect info. They get the waitress back to investigate and she said the same thing so Lau is safe. Why did she do that is unknown to me. Lau gradually change his personality. Carman rejected the boyfriend proposal. Tou escapes while in the ambulance and with one arm injured, plot his revenge on Lau. First by planting a bomb on his car, nearly kill him. Then Lau go to hospital and doctor says he needs another operation to fix his wound or else his brain juice will flow out. The cops send 2 guys to protect him. He receive pager call his wife is held hostage. He forcefully go out. He kills Tou and save Carman. She give birth to a boy. Both are happy. Maybe going back together? Overall, lacking of action and seems poor on pace. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/22/23 Full Review Audience Member Simple and straight (and short). Not as mature as his works of today, this film should be always remembered as the very first film in which Johnnie To achieved his identity as a film auteur. I love the Buddhist philosophical moral lesson of the film, which is shown to us as the brain damage (loss of sense of taste and smell) the hero gets as punishment of selfish and destructive lifestyle. Later this motif is used more obviously in the last of "The Infernal Affair" series. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member I still remember loving Carmen Lee so much back then The movie was not that pleasing though Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/25/23 Full Review Audience Member Un Johnnie To mediocre et poussif, au scenario tres convenu, bien eloigne des chefs d'oeuvre recents de ce cineaste hong-kongais. Sorti en 1995, "Loving You" raconte l'histoire d'un flic bourru et intransigeant, a la vie privee dissolue, qui tente de reconstruire son couple apres avoir ete grievement blesse lors d'une fusillade. Seule la premiere sequence du film vaut reellement le detour, avec d'excellentes idees de mise en scene, notamment un affrontement epique entre le heros et un trafiquant de drogue sur des toits en tole qui se derobent sous leurs pieds. On y retrouve les mouvements aeriens, les cadres improbables et inspires, le montage minutieux qui font habituellement la saveur des films de Johnnie To. Mais la suite malheureusement n'a pas grand interet. J'ai meme failli m'endormir tellement c'est mou, tellement ca manque d'emotion, de nuance, de profondeur, de sincerite. Je n'ai pas reussi a croire une seule seconde au couple que forment Lau Ching-Wan et Carman Lee, pas du tout convaincante dans son role de femme devouee et trahie qui se retrouve enceinte d'un autre par depit. "Loving You" souffre egalement d'un son abominable, avec ses bruitages et ses dialogues post-synchronises, et une musique sirupeuse qui surligne tout jusqu'a l'ecoeurement. On a l'impression a certains moments d'etre devant une telenovela bas de gamme. Heureusement, Johnnie To a bien progresse depuis. Comme quoi le genie n'est pas toujours quelque chose d'inne. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/26/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Loving You

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Movie Info

Synopsis A Hong Kong detective (Ching Wan Lau) has a change of heart after taking a bullet in the head.
Johnnie To
Nai-Hoi Yau
Production Co
Cosmopolitan Film Productions
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Jun 1, 1995, Original
Release Date (Streaming)
Feb 2, 2018
1h 24m
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