Matthew T
Bang, bang! Punch, kick, kiss and make up. Its fun, Pit and Jolie are both funny and smoldering. In reality, there is no way people that good looking are showing up to a neighborhood cocktail hour or cook out. The character reveals are the more enjoyable part of the film but this is an action movie and back in 2005 everyone wanted to see the love birds duke it out for some reason so yeah bang, bang, punch kick and kiss and makeup.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Marco L
(CASTELLANO) Una película puede tener grandes estrellas, un presupuesto enorme y escenas de acción espectaculares, pero si no hay una historia con peso detrás, todo se queda en un envoltorio vistoso sin mucho contenido. Sr. y Sra. Smith, mezcla acción y comedia con una premisa simple: un matrimonio que, en apariencia, lleva una vida normal, pero en realidad está formado por dos asesinos a sueldo que trabajan para agencias rivales. El problema es que la película se toma demasiado en serio, cuando quizá habría funcionado mejor con más ironía y ligereza, haciendo que todo resulte más vacío de lo que debería.
El mayor atractivo está en la química entre Brad Pitt y Angelina Jolie, que logran sostener el espectáculo con su carisma. La película les da espacio para el juego de miradas, las peleas coreografiadas al milímetro y algunos momentos de tensión romántica disfrazada de enfrentamiento. Sin embargo, fuera de ellos, la historia es mínima y el desarrollo de personajes casi inexistente. Las escenas de acción están bien hechas y tienen buen ritmo, pero sin un guion sólido que las respalde, acaban siendo puro espectáculo visual y pierden fuerza a medida que avanza la historia.
No llega a ser aburrida, pero tampoco deja huella. Si la ves como un desfile de persecuciones y explosiones a lo grande, puede resultar entretenida, siempre y cuando no esperes mucho más que eso. Sin embargo, la falta de una historia más trabajada y un exceso de seriedad en su tono hacen que no termine de funcionar del todo. En definitiva, un producto visualmente atractivo que, si no fuera por sus protagonistas, pasaría sin pena ni gloria.
(ENGLISH) Sometimes, a movie can have big stars, a huge budget, and spectacular action sequences, but without a solid story behind it, it all feels like an eye-catching package with little real substance. Mr. & Mrs. Smith blends action and comedy with a simple premise: a seemingly normal married couple is actually made up of two assassins working for rival agencies. The problem is that the film takes itself too seriously when it might have worked better with more irony and lightheartedness, making everything feel emptier than it should.
The biggest draw is the chemistry between Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, who carry the film with their charisma. The movie gives them room for playful glances, meticulously choreographed fights, and moments of romantic tension disguised as conflict. However, beyond them, the story is minimal, and character development is almost nonexistent. The action sequences are well-executed and fast-paced, but without a strong script to support them, they become pure visual spectacle and lose impact as the story progresses.
It’s not a boring movie, but it doesn’t leave much of a mark either. If you take it as a showcase of high-speed chases and explosions, it can be entertaining, as long as you don’t expect much more. However, the lack of a more developed story and the overly serious tone prevent it from fully working. In the end, it’s a visually attractive product that, if not for its lead actors, would likely be forgotten.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Alejandro E
Years before there was the manga-anime Spy X Family, there was this film about a pretend marriage of professional assassins. Apart from the titular couple, its appeal lies in the action sequences, which live up to expectations. For a weekend.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Melissa M
For an action film this movie is surprisingly slow. It takes the longest time to get to the point. The most action that happened in the beginning is when they were at the arcade at the shooting gallery. The dialogue was interesting. Some of it was even humorous. The acting was pretty good. The chemistry between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is without a doubt undeniable. But at the beginning the movie moves at a very slow pace. The action only really begins until the middle of the movie or towards the end. I waited forever to see this movie. But I have to admit I was kind of disappointed. There wasn't a lot of romance considering it's kind of considered a rom-com. Okay some of the scenes were steamy. That was probably some of the best parts of the movie. I watched it once. But once was more than enough.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Shawan S
Mr. and Mrs. Smith is a romantic comedy that suggests the key to a successful marriage might just be deception, spying, and a few stray bullets. Who would have thought that couples therapy could include powerful weapons and thrilling chases? Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie deliver more than just arguments—they offer action that makes you question if your partner is hiding a secret life as a hitman. Just keep in mind, if you ever end up in an intense showdown with your significant other, it might be time to improve your communication skills... or maybe get some protective gear!
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Larry C
Definitely recommend this movie! It has action, comedy, and Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie play off each other very well for their characters in this film.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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