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Savage Island

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Tomatometer 1 Reviews 19% Popcornmeter 100+ Ratings
A violent feud escalates between a backwoods clan and a visiting family (Steven Man, Kristina Copeland).
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Savage Island

Critics Reviews

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Walter Chaw Film Freak Central A statement about man, culture, and how they don't often make 'em like they used to. Rated: 3/4 Mar 14, 2005 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member well ummn just seen this movie 4 the 1st time n think that this is an alright movie 2 watch.....its got a good cast of actors/actressess thoruhgout this movie.....i think that winston reckert, don s davis (.R.I.P. from the brilliant tv series star gate sg1), steven man, kristina copeland, gregg scott, winston rekert, play good roles/parts thorughout this movie.....i think that the director of this action/adventure/horror/thriller movie had done a good job of directing this movie because you never know what 2 expect thorughout this movie.....i think that this is an alright movie 2 watch it is nothing special 2 watch but its an alright movie......i think that the special effects thoruhgout this movie were pretty is nothing special 2 watch but its ok, i think that don s davis was the only big name in this movie........i think that this is an alright movie 2 watch it is nothing special 2 watch i think that this is an alright movie but its nothing special......i think that this is a made for tv straight to video/dvd movie.....the special effects thorughout this movie were pretty good throughout this movie but its nothing special 2 watch its got a good cast throughout this movie.....i think that the car chases throughout this movie were pretty good......i think that this is an alright movie 2 watch it is nothing special 2 watch but its an alright movie 2 watch its got a good cast throughout this movie but its nothing special 2 watch but its an alright movie 2 watch its nothing special but its an ok movie 2 watch Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/27/23 Full Review Audience Member So low budget that you barely can see the picture. But the plot is decent enough to have deserved a bigger budget. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/13/23 Full Review Audience Member This is not the 1985 Savage Island as the above information might suggest--it has no connection to that film. This is a super-low-budget, redneck horror film. Funny at times, Savage Island is mostly just boring--it's only notable features are that it has the Colonel from Twin Peaks in it and that it features one the dumbest characters to ever blatantly disrespect a clan of crazed rednecks in the stupidest way possible. Otherwise, it is just plain old garbage. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 01/27/23 Full Review Audience Member More entertaining than it has any right to be. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/16/23 Full Review Audience Member Full disclosure: I only saw this movie because Twin Peaks' Don S. Davis appears in it. I'd never seen him in any role other than Major Briggs on that show and I was curious. Having now seen him in the two roles, I can say there wasn't much difference between the two. Don Davis isn't a bad actor, but if a comparison of his Major Briggs and his part in Savage Island as wealthy patriarch Keith Young is any indication, he's also one-dimensional. So much for Don S. Davis. Savage Island isn't a terribly original story. A wealthy family legally owns an island on which also dwells a clan of backwoods squatters. The wealthy family plans to turn the island into a high-end resort; the backwoods clan disputes the Youngs' ownership. The wise-ass stoner son,Peter Young, an instantly grating character, hits the youngest clan child one night and the clan wants a replacement child, Julia and Steven's infant, Alex. They first kidnap Peter and then Alex, much fighting and screaming ensues, the Young men botch a rescue attempt, and Julia winds up married off to one of the clan's sons. Some blood, a few stabbing with pointy sticks, etc. I won't give away the ending, which is pretty good, but it's wisely ambiguous. Whether it's a happy ending or not depends on your POV. The writing definitely falters here; characters repeatedly make unrealistically dumb choices to move the plot along. The cinematography itself is largely digital graininess; it works sometimes and is simply annoying at others. The whole flick was shot on a budget of nothing with loaned equipment and desktop editing, in consideration of which the crew did a remarkably good job given the constraints. Despite being formulaic and a bit off-kilter at times, Savage Island isn't bad. It's not memorable, mind you; you've seen all of this before. Still, it's pulled off well enough that one has to wonder what the director will do with a budget (he has made a few TV movies since; Savage Island was his first feature-length film). Savage Island is essentially Deliverance meets The Hills Have Eyes. If you liked the latter of the two, you'll probably find some enjoyable moments in this no-budget flick. You'll forget about it a week later, but they're not bad on screen. There's enough tension and enough violence here to keep genre fans happy for an hour and a half. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/30/23 Full Review Audience Member The synopsis they offer is so screwed up I would not expect any of what was in this movie. The truth is it is about women from a prison being taken to an island to mine for jade and diamond. There is full nudity, drama, violence of many types. All in all , it is at least entertaining. In the end of it all , Linda Blair has the last word ! Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/19/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Savage Island

My Rating


Movie Info

Synopsis A violent feud escalates between a backwoods clan and a visiting family (Steven Man, Kristina Copeland).
Jeffery Scott Lando
Michelle Czernin von Chudenitz, Steven Man, Renee Giesse
Kevin Mosley
Production Co
Miridien Entertainment
R (Some Drug Use|Sexuality|Language|Violence)
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
May 4, 2017
1h 26m
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