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The Five Days

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Pandy 3 [b]F[/b]rustrating, [b]A[/b]ncient, [b]R[/b]uthless, [b]C[/b]heap, [b]E[/b]ccentric!!! This periodic movie aimed towards the Italian population, based on its subject, and only later on it was released English subbed. Its not on par with his previous work and its completely obvious from beginning to end. Its makes one scream why??? I'm not mad though cause I saw this coming and I bet Argento forgot he ever directed and wrote this trash. [IMG][/IMG] Historically, The Five Days of Milan was a major event in the First Italian War of Independence in which the population of Milan rebelled against the Austrian occupation forces. The plot takes place during the Italian Revolution of 1848 and supposedly its about the above events. When a canon ball breaks a jail's wall, the journey to another freedom begins for Cainazzo (Adriano Celentano) a thief. Everyone wants to get rid of the opponents and pride about the importance of defending their rights, but cowardice seems easier for the majority and the chaotic events are profitable for some. Plus the high authority figures seem incompetent to handle the crucial situation and its mostly up to the hands of some rebels. Along with another lost soul Romolo Marcelli (Enzo Cerusico) the two men ramble around the city who seems to suffer more from corruption and vandalism rather than the enemies. One says "I'm in favor of the revolution, but not for anarchy" that's ironic cause the movie looks more like the second one. [IMG][/IMG] The movie tries to approach this war's desolation while focusing more on the seriocomic happenings that occur, before it shows us something that resembles a glorious battle. A good thing is that the movie appears to self-acknowledge its lack of depth and holds on firmly to the fact that its simply po-faced. I doubt Argento and his co-writers were being serious. The movie often has pointless scenes and its over-stretched, but only towards the end it felt really annoying to me. It turned into senseless violence, ramblings, and the plot was left at its own mercy. [IMG][/IMG] The pacing is so slow that you forget a war is happening somewhere in the city, and only when the two buddies find themselves in the middle of a fuss and gunshots you recall. Of course the events are still far from being taken serious since the non-stop goofs continue. Especially with the presence of The Countess (Marilu Tolo) who acts crazily and like a prostitute who "treats" the victorious Maltenese. Throughout there are some decent fight scenes with mild violence, and little blood. Its very slapstick, and that's the only way it could be. [IMG][/IMG] The acting is one dimensional, irrational, and barely nice up to a passable and endurable level. The dialogue is delivered in a very raw and straightforward manner, that the overacting or underacting that these characters present can seem reliably stupid and naive. Plus in a weird way it hints segments of reality. Truth is it kept me from watching... for the most part at least! The last half hour is awfully boring and I wanted so bad to turn it off but I managed to finish it. Oh and the way its all presented makes the movie very emotionless. No matter how many screams I heard, or how many people got shot I couldn't care less. Even the main lead's tears, were obvious crocodile tears. [IMG][/IMG] In terms of direction its nothing admirable, and only a few scenes looked somewhat interesting. Often it felt like I was watching a silent movie with classical background music. Perhaps the good directorial skills got overshadowed by its overall emptiness and randomness. Its hard to imagine that Argento thought this change of genre would have being any good. The best thing that came out of this creation was that it taught him a lesson, to stick to what he does better and to return in making Giallo films. The most ironic moment, and the second memorable one, is the closing shot where Cainazzo screams "We've been tricked!!!" while looking straight at the camera in a close up shot. I can't help it but to recognize that as the entire movies' punchline. Another memorable scene is the childbirth one which goes from funny, to silly and then to plain ridiculous. Its not gross its flat, ironic, and pointless but then again that's how the whole movie feels like. [IMG][/IMG] This one looks extremely different from his previous films and it certainly is. It was his first box office failure in Italy and now I understand why. I can't say its totally worthless as it approaches certain war issues from a satire perspective with good intentions, but it could have been much more focused and rational. It touches themes that his fans aren't used to and therefore its extremely difficult, if possible, to like it. Its a major waste of time and I can't recommend it. I laughed at it more than I did with it! Its not a much of a shame that Argento did this, but its very strange. Either way its history, and it should remain just that ;) "Remember: when they shoot, lie down." Rated 1 out of 5 stars 07/30/11 Full Review jesse p Not Dario Argentos Style but still it has its moments with some fantastic battle scenes. So after his animal’s trilogy he wonted to do something different. A lot of us should know Dario Argento wrote Once upon a time in the west for Sergio Leone so he did a film that was like it but set it during the Italian revolution. So the story is about two brothers sent to war to defend parts of Italy the film has some Mega spectacular Battle scenes it has a lot of drama elements but really I just didn’t like the story or really the film. I think he tried to base it on The wiled Bunch and some westerns like a Fist full of dynamite. The film has a lot of great costumes and sets designs the film really does get very bloody in the fight scenes. The acting was very good I didn’t watch the Dub version of it because there are none just the subtitles. And to add to this the film was a major box office disappointment in Italy. Overall its not his style of film that’s why I really didn’t like it but anyone that really loves Italian films like me might come to like it. Final verdict kind off Recommended. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 08/28/10 Full Review Jochen W Einmal in seiner Karriere als Kinoregisseur hat Dario Argento versucht, etwas ganz Anderes zu machen. Nach seiner Giallo-Trilogie inszenierte er diese historische Komödie um seinen Hauptdarsteller Adriano Celentano herum - und brachte doch jedenfalls in einigen Momenten zwischen den handfesten Witzeleien, die Celentano populär machten, seine eigenen Obsessionen und seine individuelle künstlerische Handschrift ins Spiel. Das hier beides nebeneinander steht, das führt zunächst einmal dazu, dass LE CINQUE GIORNATE bedeutend zu lang geraten ist. Andererseits entstehen gerade aus dem Aufeinanderprall der so ganz unterschiedlichen Stimmlagen von Klamauk und durchaus extremen Gewaltspitzen, von derber Sinnenfreude und desillusionierender Schlussfolgerung einige höchst bizarre und faszinierende Momente, die auch immer wieder - hier wird Argento als Auteur deutlich erkennbar - Gewalt und Lust auf fetischistische Weise engführen. In mancher Hinsicht scheint mir LE CINQUE GIORNATE gar ambitionierter als vieles, was Argento danach in Angriff nahm - manches in der eigentümlichen Tonart erinnert an Fellinis exaltiertere Filme, oder auch an Pasolinis UCCELLACCI E UCCELLINI. Aber eben: Dario-Argento-style. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 08/19/09 Full Review Joe H Ive got a copy that is Italian audio only. The camera work and score is a delight though! Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 03/21/09 Full Review Read all reviews
The Five Days

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Movie Info

Dario Argento
Salvatore Argento
Dario Argento, Nanni Balestrini, Enzo Ungari, Luigi Cozzi
Comedy, Drama, History
Original Language