angel m
Great crazy movie; guns, blood, fights what more do you want.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
I'm staggered u gave this film 92% lol,, just violent nothing else, usa selling huge guns left&right last thing they need is diabolical inspiration like this, was a really cheap Take on a classic Ryan Gosling film but the main actor isn't any good at all at playing the crazy gosling style, also the music was the sort of stuff I could make quickly with today's epic tech being a producer, the story was thin at best, directing ridiculously basic no style, i could go on & on, im stunned,, can see y this is called Rotten tomatoes again because that 92% review is defo 1 of those, absolutely tragic if this is the way films are going baffles me people read these scripts and want to make and take part in this,, HORRIFIC, and to think I absolutely love Tarantino, scorcese etc but man this is the conplete opposite of those masterpieces, no style, finesse, quality 😔 hopefully the director dosent make any other violent films cause god he can't do it at all
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Sarfaraz A
Simon Barrett wrote this Adam Wingard film. The cast includes Dan Stevens, Lance Reddick, Maika Monroe, and others.
The film follows the story of a strange young man, David (Dan Stevens), who knocks on the door of a mourning mother, Laura (Sheila Kelley), who has lost her son in US-NATO-occupied Afghanistan. David appears to make their life easier by resolving their kids' issues, such as assisting their younger son, Luke (Brendan Meyer), in adjusting to his school where he is regularly violently bullied by his seniors. David also assists the father, Spencer (Leland Orser), in securing his job by killing a business competitor. Anna (Maika Monroe), the slain soldier's younger sister, dislikes David for some reason.
Spencer does not want his daughter Anna to date a young guy who has known her since childhood; but, Spencer has no problem allowing a total stranger to live in the house near his daughter's room. He failed to persuade his wife not to let strangers into the house, but he expects his daughter to obey his house rules.
Lance Reddick, who plays Major Carver, is shown to be quite sensitive to the news of David's whereabouts and prepares to go after him while understanding the possible risk. Nonetheless, he brought just a small number of elite forces, who were quickly taken out, and they were not even in a covert position before approaching the home from whence they received the information about David's location.
The viewers are not informed about what happened to Anna's incarcerated lover. How could David survive a gunshot and a knife stab in the neck? The only injury we notice is David limping. The film had some wonderful moments, but it devolved into absurdity. The half of the story is solid, as are the acting and directing.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Ryan M
Not sure how I felt about this...seemed low-budget with equally silly music that sometimes...worked?
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Troy R
Tough one to review. I liked Dan Stevens performance but the movie was very.. odd. I never really knew if I should feel like its a horror movie, a comedy, or an interesting story about military special forces.
The dads scenes were both really funny and really genuine, I think he was the stand out of all the secondary characters.
I know the movie is meant to be somewhat of a parody and looking back at that I can see what it was going for, but very rarely did I find the "parody" things to be funny or worth wild to add.
Ultimately think I would have enjoyed the film more if it went harder in one of those directions I mentioned previously, but its an ok watch if you want something out of the ordinary.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Los G
Starts intriguingly but descends into a sub-Bourne holy mess where the "back story" is rushed over in about 30 seconds. Some thrills, some shocks, but mostly schlock
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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